One of the paramedics who rushed to save Michael Jackson's life at 100 N. Carolwood Drive just testified ... if Murray would have called 911 immeidately, Michael Jackson's life might have been saved.
Richard Senneff said Murray told him he called 911 the second he realized MJ was in distress, when in fact there was a 20 minute delay.
Senneff said had Murray called earlier there was a good chance EMT's could have restarted Michael's heart.
Senneff said when he hooked up the EKG machine onto MJ, it flatlined.
* Senneff said 911 call came in at 12:22 pm. He arrived at MJ's house 4 minutes later.
* When he walked into the room, he saw Murray, MJ and the bodyguard.
* Senneff said Michael was wearing PJs and seemed underweight.
* MJ was being moved to the floor as Senneff walked in. He said Murray was "frantic."
* He noticed an IV stand with an IV bag hanging on it.
* He asked Murray what the patient's underlying health condition was three times before Murray said there was none.
* He said that didn't make any sense... there was an IV stand and other equipment in the room.
* When he asked what medications he was taking, Murray lied to him, saying he hadn't taken anything... then said he did give him a little Lorazepam.
* At that point the other paramedic, Martin Blount, successfully performed an intubation on MJ.
* Senneff says there were too many inconsistencies with Murray's account... MJ was too cold to the touch his eyes were dilated and the EKG showed a flatline.
* After administering another round of starter drugs, there was still no change in MJ's condition.
* Right as Senneff and his crew were about to give up, Dr. Murray said he felt a pulse in the right side of MJ's groin.
* But when Senneff looked at the monitor all he saw was movement consistent with CPR.
* Senneff ordered everyone to stop CPR to see if there was in fact a pulse... and the monitor, again, showed a flatline.
* He then checked again to see if there was a pulse. There was none.
* Sugar levels in the blood also showed no change in MJ's condition.
* The Jury listened to a call Senneff made to the hospital at 12:57 describing all unsuccessful efforts to revive. The dispatcher calls time of death but Senneff tells the dispatcher, Murray wants to continue the efforts to revive MJ.
* Paramedics then transported Michael on a backboard down the stairs and into the ambulance.
* When Senneff goes back upstairs to retrieve his equipment, he sees Murray picking up items off the floor.
* Senneff continued giving MJ adrenaline to try and jump start his heart but nothing work. He says he saw no sign of life in MJ at any point during the 47 minutes he was with MJ.
* At no point during that time did Murray ever mention the word Propofol.