New Beginnings by Allen Shay

 In this book, we will explore the journey of two icons and how history contributed to their success. Barack Hussein Obama, the first black president of the United States and the life and death of Michael Jackson, undisputedly the best entertainer of all time! We will explore how the three Cs, Contradictions, Cycles and Choices of their stories, paved a road map with hopes that they will inspire others to seek and achieve their true purpose in life. If you find this information enriching, and mentally stimulating, please share it with others. If you like to share your American history with us and have it included in the next book as a result of being inspired during this historic period, please feel free to email the information to 

About Allen Shay
“Allen Shay – An effective advocate for District 4 and the City of Pasadena” Allen Shay has been a Realtor and Financial Advisor for almost 30 years. He brings an institutional knowledge and unwavering dedication to Pasadena.


The truth about Tom Sneddon?

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Does Michael Jackson Fit the Profile of a Pedophile

The document listing the items Mesureau wanted excluded from the trial.

The items in Jackson storage unit, obtained by Vaccaro. Don't you find it peculiar Mesereau wanted this exluded from the trial? Don't you find it interesting Howard Mann destroyed Michael memorabilia, at Katherine Jackson's request?

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Anjelica Huston about Michael Jackson

Anjelica Huston who played opposite Jackson in the Captain EO film for Disney, accidentally ran into Michael Jackson about a month before he died. They hugged, hunkered down in a room together and caught up on each others' lives. 

Huston remembered Michael as being tender and fragile, having trouble mustering up enough anger to carry out his role as Captain EO with a spaceship crew who sings 'We are here to change the world.' She said it was as if anger didn't live in his DNA. He needed her there, in costume and sneering her lines to play off her villainous character. Huston said he seemed even more fragile especially emotionally, during their brief encounter. She put her arms around him; she says:
"We talked about how he had felt humiliated by the accusation of sexual harassment and about the sorrow for the loss of Neverland, where he had lived many years. I remember his words: 'They ruined my dream. I had this dream, perhaps childish and foolish, a place designed to celebrate the innocence of that childhood that I never had, and they took it from me. I love children, I could never do them harm. I spent all my life loving them and trying to do good things for them. The libel of harming a child--that breaks my heart. It is an unbearable pain, those accusations are unjust and terrible...' As he said these things, he began to cry. I held him in my arms...He was so skinny and frail."
Jackson told her he was preparing for the London concerts. She remembers:
"He was training hard because he would have 'no more hope to be loved back again.' He wanted to be let back in to the hearts of the public after his public lynching for something he said he didn't do and a jury of his peers agreed with. Huston goes on: "he was thin and pale; I could feel so much pain in him for the past and a lot of anxiety and uncertainty for the future."
When asked by Bizio, "What do you think really killed Michael Jackson?' Anjelica Huston didn't hesitate: "Michael had a broken heart. For this he died. The truth is that they broke his heart."

Tuesday, November 22, 2011



21 NOV. 2011


I firmly believe the pedophilia accusations against MJ don't originate from the Chandlers, so it's not so suprising if there was such gossiping going around earlier as well. They originate from suspected NAMBLA member and advocate of pedophilia, Victor Gutierrez. The whole thing was triggered by NAMBLA's desire to have a famous poster boy that would, in their mind, help to promote social acceptance. And so they sent Gutierrez 
on a mission in 1986. Also NAMBLA in its journals already made insinuations of MJ and his child friends relationship in the late 80s. They were basically projecting their own twisted way of thinking on MJ and those kids. 

The point is those insinuations were already there in certain circles - well, among pedophiles themselves who wanted MJ as a poster boy. And after 1986 VG talked to lots of employees of MJ, parents of kids. Actually Jermaine says in his book that VG contacted Wade Robson's mother and told her MJ was a pedophile. Joy Robson of course didn't believe it and informed someone from MJ's team about the accusation. From Jermaine's book it's unclear if that info ever got to Michael or if it did he perhaps didn't take it seriously. 

I can only imagine VG contacted a lot of people in MJ's environment spreading his lie and then he found his man in Evan Chandler and the rest is history. 

It's a fact that the Chandlers, the Francias, the Neverland 5 and many other ex-employees of Michael, who went to the media with pedophile stories or who testified for the prosecution in 2005, were in contact with Victor Gutierrez! He is the original source of these stories and the pedophilia accusations in my opinion. And he clearly had an agenda with them. 

These are worth reading:“the-toad”-gutierrez-british-gq-another-nail-in-their-coffin/

I find the info on Dr. Richard Gardner interesting as well. Sounds like yet another pedophile advocate. It's interesting that the Chandlers picked him. Does it have to do perhaps with their connection with VG?

Professor Robin Barnes 26 Jul 2009 

In pure visceral terms, John Lennon's hit song Imagine remains the greatest musical expression of global desire for world peace and unity that we have ever known. Michael Jackson’s 1988 video Man in the Mirror was on a similar trajectory toward inspiring a closer look at mass consciousness. If Jackson’s bold political commentary and visual depictions of the horrors of imperialist tendencies signaled a Lennonesque problem for those in power, it would have been dwarfed in scope by the public fervor ready to be unleashed over the nightmare unfolding in New England.

Indictments of Catholic Priests came fast and furious from 1992-1993. Within the year, twenty nine hundred miles away, in August of 1993, a confidential case report completed by the Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services was leaked to Hard Copy television. Within hours a British tabloid sold copies to reporters for $750 each. Dramatic headlines offered lurid speculation around allegations of sexual molestation. By September 1994, police officials had interviewed more than 400 witnesses when prosecutors announced that no child molestation charges would be filed. Former employees who first testified that they never witnessed anything sexual were only too happy to recant and claim that they had witnessed something after their extortion attempts failed.

While Jackson had not yet become the threat that Lennon remained as a revolutionary activist, one would have to concede that stopping his momentum could have easily been an underling factor in the timing of the second set of charges. Indeed, only a “child molester poster-boy” as large as the Grand Canyon, could effectively divert public attention so that collective anger against the Catholic Church would not insure its ultimate and speedy demise.

ackson appears to have been a handy and convenient target for an establishment in desperate need for a scapegoat to spare the legions of Church leaders that “kept horrific tales of abuse out of the public eye through an elaborate culture of secrecy, deception, and intimidation.

By the end of 2002, it was clear that we were not dealing with one or two isolated incidents. Some 1,200 priests had been accused of abuse nationwide. “[R]epeat abusers, including priests who traded drugs for sex with minors, fathered children, and physically assaulted their victims:” were known predators that church officials shuffled from parish to another-- where they abused again.

In April 2004, Jackson was charged. According to Rolling Stone Magazine Jackson’s trial was nothing less than a zoo and a freak show. “The prosecution's case [boiled] down to this: In a panic over negative publicity, Jackson conspires to kidnap a boy and force him to deny acts of molestation that in fact never happened, and then he gets over his panic just long enough to actually molest the child at the very moment when the whole world is watching.”

You decide?


*Just a few words about Dr. Gardner, who concluded that Jordie Chandler's accusations were true.
  "Because Gardner 's PAS theory is based on his clinical observations--not scientific data--it must be understood in the context of his extreme views concerning women, pedophilia and child sexual abuse. 
  "There is a bit of pedophilia in every one of us." Gardner, R.A. (1991).Sex Abuse Hysteria: Salem Witch Trials Revisited . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics. (p. 118)  

"Pedophilia has been considered the norm by the vast majority of individuals in the history of the world." Gardner, R.A. (1992). True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics. (p. 592-3)  

"It is because our society overreacts to it [pedophilia] that children suffer." Gardner, R.A. (1992). True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics. (pp. 594-5)

"Pedophilia may enhance the survival of the human species by serving "procreative purposes." Gardner, R.A. (1992). True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics. (pp. 24-5)

Pedophilia "is a widespread and accepted practice among literally billions of people." Gardner, R.A. (1986). Child Custody Litigation: A Guide for Parents and Mental Health Professionals . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics, (p. 93)

Gardner suggests that children want to have sex with adults and may seduce them. Some children experience " high sexual urges in early infancy. "

"There is good reason to believe that most, if not all, children have the capacity to reach orgasm at the time they are born."
Gardner, R.A. (1992). True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics. (p. 15)

Children are naturally sexual and may initiate sexual encounters by "seducing" the adult .
Gardner, R.A. (1986). Child Custody Litigation: A Guide for Parents and Mental Health Professionals. Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics (p. 93).

If the sexual relationship is discovered, " the child is likely to fabricate so that the adult will be blamed for the initiation ."
Gardner, R.A. (1986). Child Custody Litigation: A Guide for Parents and Mental Health Professionals. Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics (p. 93).

Gardner on therapy with children who are sexually abused by their father:Keep the child connected to the abuser 

Special care should be taken not alienate the child from the molesting parent. The removal of a pedophilic parent from the home "should only be seriously considered after all attempts at treatment of the pedophilia and rapprochement with the family have proven futile."
Gardner, R.A. (1992). True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics.(p. 537)

The child should be told that there is no such thing as a perfect parent. "The sexual exploitation has to be put on the negative list, but positives as well must be appreciated"
Gardner, R.A. (1992).  True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics.(p. 572)

• Tell the child that sexual abuse by a father is normal 

Older children may be helped to appreciate that sexual encounters between an adult and a child are not universally considered to be reprehensible acts.The child might be told about other societies in which such behavior was and is considered normal. The child might be helped to appreciate the wisdom of Shakespeare's Hamlet, who said, "Nothing's either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Gardner, R.A. (1992). True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics.(p. 549) 

Please read the rest of the information about Robert Gardner HERE



Written under the pen-name Carl Toms, Michael Jackson's Dangerous Liaisons was praised as a "damned good book" recently by Jackson blogger Desiree Hill, who made it clear she knew the author's real identity and BL [boy lover] background, shrewdly noting, "it takes one to know one"!"

We will not link the pedophilia site on which this quote appears but it is called "BoyChat" and a simple google of Desiree Hill and Carl Toms will take you right to it.

"If you haven't read Michael Jackson Was My Lover, you are missing out. I think they are actually selling copies of that gem on for a reasonable $150 price tag; I paid more, as I have two copies. That book,in a nutshell, was written by a pedophile (Gutierrez) for pedophiles. " ~ Desiree Hill, On Victor Guitierrez ($300 on pedophilia material, and she has never worked or held a job!!!! "I should mention, I have never worked, as I am quite young and never really had to. I tried to get jobs but was never hired because I didn't have previous experience."



Michael Jackson's Unheard Pranks, Fun

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Exclusive Audio: Frank Cascio Reads the Prologue to “My Friend Michael”

Today Frank Cascio publishes his extraordinary book, “My Friend Michael,” about his life withMichael Jackson, from Harper Collins. The publisher has shared with this site exclusively Cascio reading the prologue of the book. (Official publication date is today.) Michael Jackson fans have almost as much trouble with the Cascio family as the Jacksons and co-executor John McClain. Dominic Cascio, his wife Connie, and their kids became Jackson’s second family some twenty years ago. Michael loved the Cascios. As far as I can tell, the family never took advantage of him. They housed him when he was homeless. They accepted him. When Jackson needed people around him who didn’t want anything, he went to the Cascios. Jackson fans are making a mistake, I think, when they don’t appreciate that the Cascios are Michael’s true heirs. He spent vastly more time than with anyone else starting in the early 90s. Press the play button to hear Frank, exclusively.

aici e audio
From the book:

“When Michael and I had free time at Neverland Ranch, his 2,700-acre fantastical home/amusement park/zoo/retreat near Santa Barbara, we liked to kick back and relax. Sometimes he would ask me if we should just get some movies, stay in, and “stink.” (Michael had a particular affinity for juvenile jokes about body odor.) On one of those days, when the sun was just about to set, Michael said, “Come on, Frank. Let’s go up to the mountain.” Neverland was nestled in the Santa Ynez Valley, and mountains surrounded the property. He named the tallest one Mount Katherine, after his mother. The property had numerous paths that led up to the peaks, where the sunsets were extraordinary. We drove up one of those paths on a golf cart, sat down, and watched the sun flame out behind the mountains, shadowing them in purple. It was there that I finally understood the “purple mountain majesties” of “America the Beautiful.”
Sometimes helicopters flew over the property, trying to take pictures. Once or twice they saw us up in the mountains, and we sprinted away from them, trying to hide behind trees. But this time all was still. Michael was in a reflective mood, and he started talking about the rumors and accusations that plagued him. He found it all both funny and sad. At first he said he didn’t think he should have to explain himself to anyone. But then his tone changed.
“If people only knew how I really am, they would understand,” he said, his voice tinged with equal parts hope and frustration. We sat there in silence for a bit, both of us wishing there were a way for him to reveal himself, to have people truly understand who he was and how he lived.”
Audio and text c2011 Frank Cascio courtesy of HarperCollins

Frank Cascio 'My Friend Michael': Michael Jackson's Friend Reveals Intimate Stories In New Book
My Friend Michael
Posted: 11/16/11 05:29 PM ET

Frank Cascio met Michael Jackson in 1984, when the King of Pop was at the peak of his career. For the next 25 years Cascio and his family traveled the world with the superstar. When he was 18, Cascio became Jackson's assistant and then went on to manage the star.
In the new book "My Friend Michael," Cascio writes honestly and candidly of his long relationship with Jackson, including sticking by him during some dark periods like Jackson's child molestation charges and prescription drug use. It's a fascinating glimpse into Jackson's world and what emerges is a new, unexplored side to the entertainer -- a surprisingly sweet and normal version of the controversial star.
How did you meet Michael?
When I was four years old, my father was the general manager of the Helmsley Palace in New York and Michael became very friendly with my father. After they established a relationship, Michael wanted to meet the rest of the family, so one day my father took me to work to meet him. I had no idea who he was.
Your family became very close with Michael. You and your brother went on tour with him and your family celebrated holidays with him. How did your personal relationship with him grow?
We established a real friendship. We became a big family; Michael was a part of our family. Every Christmas, Thanksgiving, birthday -- we made a point to celebrate together. It became tradition for all of us.
You went to work for him when you were 18 and you write that you witnessed some of his problems with pills.
There were times. When I first started working with him, in Munich, he fell 50 feet [when] there was a mishap during a concert. That took a tremendous toll on his back. When you're in pain, doctors give you medication. There were times when I was a bit concerned. I definitely witnessed some of it but it wasn't a constant pattern -- I want to make that clear. It was based on what was going on in his life, his schedules, but yes, there were times when I was concerned.
His family tried to stage an intervention.
Yes, there was a time when his family wanted to speak with him. Michael just didn't want to have any conversations about it.
How did the first molestation charges against Michael affect him?
That really, really hurt him because he was falsely accused of something he did not do. It really comes down to [Jordy Chandler's] family's manipulation and the father's jealousy. It was really sad. The whole world got a false impression of Michael. Something that was so beautiful -- Michael's innocence and affection for children -- got completely turned around. He was so passionate about helping kids and it was turned around and used against him.
You and your brother slept in his room hundreds of times.
There was nothing sexual about it at all.
But now as an adult, do you realize it wasn't normal behavior?
From the outside looking in, I completely understand how people might think that's strange or weird or inappropriate. I can absolutely see that side of it, but it was a different situation. Michael was a different person. You can't compare Michael to anyone else in this world because he sincerely was a child at heart. He was truly a special individual. But I can tell you there was never anything inappropriate. He had no sexual attraction to children. Children were his inspiration.
You write that he once had a fling with a fan.
He was very flirtatious with fans. I remember once seeing him in the back of a car kissing a fan.
Even though you two were extraordinarily close, you also had a falling out with him. What happened?
It was due to a lack of communication during the second [molestation] trial. Michael was told false information that I did not wish to testify on his behalf -- which really hurt him -- and that was never ever the case. I was more than willing to testify on Michael's behalf. I was an unindicted co-conspirator, so we were legally not allowed to be in constant communication. There was a lot of jealousy on behalf of the people who were working with him at the time. They didn't want me back and they tried everything in their power to make sure I did not get back and start working with Michael again. It really hurt because I would do anything for Michael.
You say that at the end of his life, he acknowledged his perilous financial situation.
He acknowledged to me that things had to change and we were in the process of putting an incredible machine in place with great people to turn everything around. At one point he had some bad advisors advising him. I'm very happy that John Branca is one of the trustees [of Jackson's trust] because, through their ups and downs, he was always great to Michael. He always did the right thing by Michael.
Did it break your heart hearing the recordings of Michael that Dr. Conrad Murray made?
The fact that this man would even record him in that [medicated] state... It's just wrong. You just don't do that. You don't take advantage of someone when they're in that state of mind. It's so sad because if you listen to what he's saying, he's truly concerned about children. He's talking about building a children's hospital. It was so dear to his heart.
One of the things that comes most through the book is how much he loved being a father.
He was the greatest father in the world. I don't think I've ever seen somebody prepare for fatherhood like he did. He was a surrogate father to myself and my brothers and sisters. The amount of books that he read on parenting... He wanted to be the greatest father in the world and he achieved that. I can't properly explain how amazing a father he was. He loved his children more than life itself