Thursday, August 18, 2011

Joanne Horowitz despre reintalnirea cu Michael

(That's a Roger Friedman article)

Joanne Horowitz manages Kevin Spacey and other actors. But back in the 1970s she worked in the music business and was the publicist for Studio 54. It was then that she met Michael, around the time of “Off the Wall.” They hit it off, became great pals, and for a while she was his guide in New York.

Flash forward to this past May 5th: Horowitz was in Beverly Hills waiting to see her dermatologist. From one of the adjacent examination rooms she heard a lot of noise, thudding on the ground and hitting the walls.

“I asked the doctor what was going on,” Horowitz told me last night. “He said it was Michael Jackson, practicing dance moves.” Horowitz told the doctor, Arnold Klein, Michael was her old friend. Klein went next door and told Jackson, who came running in.

“We were so happy to see each other, It had been 25 years,” said Horowitz. “He was in great shape, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. He showed off his body — flexing his muscles, he also lifted his shirt to show me his new six pack. He said he’d been working out for the new tour. He was very proud. He looked very fit. He wasn’t wearing any makeup, either. And he had no bodyguards with him. He was just on his own.”

Horowitz and Jackson reminisced about the old days, and Michael bragged to her about being a father. He invited her to the London shows, and even signed a CD for her that Klein kept in his office.

“He said everything was going great but he’d just gotten off the phone with someone about that auction, and he wasn’t happy about that. But he seemed like the old Michael.”

Horowitz did tell me she’s been very dismayed about the coverage of Jackson since his death, especially the notion presented by tabloids, and other outlets that the performer “wanted to die” and other crazy ideas.

“That couldn’t have been further from the truth,” Horowitz tells me.

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