Howard Stern show, 2003 (Howard Stern and Robin Quivers):
R: The thing with Lisa Marie is that she left her husband to go off with Michael Jackson.
H: That I don't get. Let's get into this.
L: K.
H: Alright.
L: *clears throat*
H: Yeah, clear your throat.
L: Here we go.
H: Alright.
L: Do You want it? Next time?
H: No, no, don't hawk any loogies on me. You meet Michael Jackson. Now, where do you meet a guy like this?
L: I met him at a friend's house - at the time, a mutual friend that we both knew.
H: Who's the friend, Elizabeth Taylor? Or one of the...
L: No.
H: Uri Geller?
L: This guy was an artist.
H: Rabbi Schmuley Boteach?
L: Maybe...
H: Who's this, an artist guy?
L: Yeah. A painter.
H: A painter?
L: Mmmm.
H: And he had a friendship with Michael Jackson?
L: Mm-hm.
H: I've sat with this guy - he has nothing to say.
L: Which guy?
H: Michael Jackson.
L: You did?
H: Sure.
L: Oh, this is that thing in your book when you said he wanted you to...
H: He wanted me to parade through the streets, rally here, the guy's insane! I sized him up in two seconds. Before you get married again, you let me meet the guy.
L: OK.
H: So you meet this guy and he's charming?
L: Yes. This was before all that garbage happened.
H: With the boys.
L: Yeah.
H: Yeah... so you meet up with him, he's a good guy... and what does he do - he take you out on dates?
L: No, it was just more like a... we talked for a while. I forgot who he was after about 20 minutes, just 'cause he was so real with me.
H: You thought he was hot?
L: No, I didn't think of him like that at all. But then um, I dunno, we started talking on the phone.
H: He starts calling you?
L: I started calling him, he started calling me, I sort of became his friend.
H: That's what I would do with you.
R: Now, when does Michael actually make a sexual move?
L: [to Howard] You're actually very sweet.
H: Thank you. You are too.
L: Thank you.
R: But let's get back to this. When does Michael make a sexual move?
L: Um... I don't wanna get into anything sexual...
H: I'll get into it.
L: I'm not answering sexual!
H: [to Robin] You went too fast, you went too fast. Let me butter her up. Let me work on her.
L: No, you can talk to me about MY sex, whatever, but not like... you're gonna try to get like, genitals and sex out of... with other people, no.
H: Fair enough. Did he make you wear a strap on?
L: Yes. No!
H: That's what I thought. Alright. Now wait a second... so you meet the guy and he's talking to you and stuff, and you think you're falling in love with him.
L: Mmm...
H: Coz you like his conversation, you like his rap.
L: Mmmm.
H: But aren't you just... 'cause when I sat with him, I was really disturbed by the nose and all the plastic surgery, I mean, it really... but I'm a guy, I don't know.
R: And the make up!
H: At any point did you see him without the make up?
L: Um... what make up? I mean, powder, I don't know...
H: You know what I mean, the tape over the nose, and the...
L: Yes, um...
H: And was it *****ing you out?
L: I didn't look at him like that, I was kind of beyond that, I know that sounds whatever but I just, you know.
H: So you're going out with the dude, but it's all private on the phone, then you probably go over to that Neverland ranch...
L: Yeah.
H: ...hanging out there, because you can't go out and be seen together...
L: Right.
H: gotta keep things quiet... and you go over there, and does the guy like, what does he do - does he make you dinner? How does a date go?
L: Um, it was just... I dunno, we used to hang out at his house, things like that.
H: What would you do for fun? Watch movies?
L: He's got quite a spread there, you know?
H: Yeah. Did you go on those rides and stuff?
L: Yeah.
R: And play video games?
H: But you're a full bodied sexual woman, I ain't gonna sit there and play rides with you. The only ride I'm taking is you. Is he like a real perfect gentleman, a little too nice, or did he make some moves on you?
L: No, he was... whenever he was ready, it happened.
H: How long did that take?
L: I wasn't the instigator, I wouldn't, you know, I um... that wasn't something I could imagine at the time.
H: So he moves in and starts kissing you, you don't resist?
L: *laughs* Obviously not!
H: You liked it. Did he tongue you?
L: Huh?
H: Did he give you the tongue?
L: Will you stop it?
H: Yes.
L: Thank you. I married the... MF. Well, I can't say it, right?
H: Did he spank you?
L: No.
R: but can you even tell us, alright, Were you sexually satisfied by Michael Jackson?
L: Um... you know, I... see...
H: The answer's either yes or no.
L: Well, the answer would be would I have married someone that I wasn't.
H: Alright, so you're with Michael Jackson and uh... you start to realise things are going horribly bad.
L: Mm-hm.
R: Wait a minute, who asked - he asked you to marry him? He wanted to get married?
L: Mmm.
H: Do you think it was a publicity stunt for him?
L: I don't know. I think you should ask him.
H: What do you think?
L: I don't know.
H: You think he used you?
L: Mmm... you know, sketchy.
H: Sketchy?
L: Mmm. Timing-wise.
R: But the whole, you know, MTV kiss?
L: That wasn't my idea. I was... yeah.
H: So all these men are using you? Michael used you, and we're not even sure about Nicolas Cage, I mean that was such a short marriage.
L: Nic didn't use me.
H: Ever had a black guy?
L: *laughs*
R: Michael Jackson!
H: Oh that's right.
H: You're not gonna tell me about Michael Jackson's penis, why it was so special?
L: I'm not.
H: There's something on it though that that kid said he... should explain it, what is the... just give me the...
L: Something on it?!
H: Just come here, listen to me.
L: Come here?
H: Yeah come over here and if you don't answer this I'm going to have to spank you. What is it that's different about Michael Jackson's penis that distinguishes it? Just answer that please.
L: I'm not answering any questions about anybody's...
H: ...penis?
L: Penis, right, I know.
H: Is it a vagina and not a penis, is that the mind blowing secret down there?
L: ...
H: I'll wait for your answer.
L: I'm not answering!
H: I can wait you out. I need to know. Tell me during the commerical.
L: I'm not... I'm not, I'm not!
H: Wink yes if there's something weird down there. ... Ah, thank you.
L: No I didn't, I didn't wink! I blinked.
deci aici il face si mother fucker...zice ca a fostcasatorita cu sa un tip, pe care il chema Michael Jackson...rusinos, oricum, c4 a afacut ea..ce naiba de iubire a mai fost aia??