Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Who hurt you the most in your life?

Nu stiu cu cine vb Mike aici, dar inregistrarea e f proasta si cineva care a lucrat mult timp la radio  a prelucrat o bucatica din convorbire,

iata ce se aude:

3_1a.wav 3_1a.wav, 8 MB

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I added volume to Michael and cut it down to just the part you guys are curious about

I will come back and edit what i think it says since I just spent 15 minutes typiing it up and freaking had it dumped out by the server. I am really trying not to cuss.

S:who hurt you the most in your life
M: scuse me
S: whos hurt you the most
M:People that I have loved
S:Well who, who has hurt you the most, (i)
M:sigh...(i) *could be saying dirty girls or deadly girls*
M: then she started makin a game out of it, and she said all I represented was a mark to her...and thats the truth

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