Thursday, September 22, 2011

diane dimond FB tactics,,block, block, block"

i was blocked, too, because the last two comments:)...,,c-est la vie"...she can.t accept the true

Diane Dimond
It's a day of Michael Jackson on TruTV today. Documentary I taped with others and then I'm LIVE at 2 pm eastern to take call in questions. If you really want the history and some perspective on the man tune in!

  • Nan Foster i would love to but cant watch at that time..hope they play it later in the day .:)
    16 septembrie la 19:59 · 

  • Adrian Andrade McManus Good Luck DD.
    16 septembrie la 20:00 · 

  • Teresa Moffett oh, boy!
    16 septembrie la 20:04 · 

  • Ralph V. Logan Saw you this morning on In session,will check it out and try to call in.
    16 septembrie la 20:12 · 

  • Yvonne Marten Ebstein DVRing-have to see Clients...
    16 septembrie la 20:21 · 

  • Renee Ellen Dale I have mixed feelings about the trial with the Dr.Yes he is culpable but Michael Jackson wasn't so innocent in all this. He was addicted to drugs thus some responsibility needs to be put on the way he lived his life!
    16 septembrie la 20:24 ·  ·  2 persoane

  • Barbara Silberfeld August-Spitzer I was watching you on True TV before, you look wonderful
  • 16 septembrie la 20:28 · 

  • Patti Petow Looking good! Watching and listening.
    16 septembrie la 21:21 ·  ·  2 persoane

  • Nan Foster i just got back ..i missed the whole thing...hope you put some of it up on here
    16 septembrie la 22:05 · 

  • Steph Watts You own this one Diane!!!
    16 septembrie la 22:15 ·  ·  2 persoane

  • Diane Dimond It's going to replay all weekend I'm told
    16 septembrie la 22:33 ·  ·  4 persoane

  • Nan Foster oh good , thanks
    16 septembrie la 22:51 · 

  • Lyn Novosel I caught the latter part of your discussion on HLN - it was really good.
    17 septembrie la 01:23 ·  ·  o persoană

  • Lyn Novosel Diane - will you be doing any fill-ins for Nancy while she is on DWTS or will you be in California for Conrad Murray trial?
    17 septembrie la 02:12 · 

  • Madeline Michele Hovey It was great today Diane Dimond I really enjoyed all of you..
    17 septembrie la 03:57 ·  ·  o persoană

  • Kelly Jackson ‎@Renee, with alll due respect, you don't give something to someone when you KNOW its wrong, Murray simply could have said NO, he took an oath and didnt stand by it.
    17 septembrie la 17:48 ·  ·  5 persoane

  • Kelly Jackson So basically, you think that if someone is begging you to shoot them, and they keep insisting, you say "ohhh ok" and then later say "well, they wanted me to"....uhhhh NO that's not how it goes.
    17 septembrie la 17:50 ·  ·  4 persoane

                  • Virginie Lacasse Kelly I share absolutely your comment, Murray is a doctor and he had to know the danger of certain drugs
                    17 septembrie la 18:50 ·  ·  4 persoane

                  • Karyle Alessi I agree with you, Kelly. Clearly, Dr. Murray took the job for the $$$ and the chance to be Michael's doctor. But clearly, he was not a competent doctor. For a doctor to use such poor judgment is unacceptable. His behavior afterward was unacceptable. Seems his oath meant nothing but the big bucks did.
                    17 septembrie la 18:51 ·  ·  5 persoane

                  • Diane Dimond Virginia, Karla - check your facts - there were more than a dozen pill bottles on the nightstand that had different doctors names on them...not Murray's name. But I have always condemned Murray for a) using propofol outside a hospital, b) not having the proper monitoring equipment in the house, c) lying to police and paramedics that he was only trying to wean MJ off propofol when in fact he was ordering gallons of it d) able to visually see all the other pill bottles and not taking enough caution for his patient when he gave him his nightly "milk" to go to sleep. Honestly, I think we're all on the same page about Conrad Murray.
                    17 septembrie la 18:53 ·  ·  o persoană

                  • Jeana Diangilo Diane Dimond.. IMO.. You are excellent!! .. Some just can't accept the 'truth'..
                    17 septembrie la 22:09 ·  ·  o persoană

                  • Dawn Robin some people just can't accept the truth?? Sounds like you are talking from experience. The TRUTH is Michael was NOT a drug addict. Michael was NOT a child molester. Michael is NOT once again the one on trial here. Don't take the focus off of the main issue here. ((MURRAY)). Michael was cleared of all charges..sounds to me like YOU need to accept the truth and move the current issue and tht is that murdering "doctor"
                    17 septembrie la 22:23 ·  ·  7 persoane

                  • Glen Johnson The molestation charges, drug addictions and 
                  • general weirdness aside, what I don't understand is why you guys put MJ on a pedestal like he was some kind of god or something. He was an entertainer, and frankly no better than lots of others. The only thing that separates MJ from other entertainers was the media blitz, the MTV videos and pyrotechnics. So the the guy could sing, so what? So can plenty of others. So he can dance.. I've seen 12 years olds dance his dance just as good. Pick up an instrument and play it then maybe I would be impressed. I'm so over the poor poor MJ nonsense I could puke. So maybe he was abused, so what? I bet you dollars to donuts it wasn't as bad as thousands of other children go through every day, but most seem to find a way to keep themselves under control. "Everyone is hounding me" "everyone is taking my money" "I'm just a little boy trapped in a man's body".. whatever, maybe if MJ would have manned up instead of blaming everyone else for his own weakness and issues he's still be here
                     today. Pardon me if I don't have a whole lot of sympathy for an overrated artist who had it all and couldn't get himself under control enough to live his life like a normal human being. So he was caring.. so what? So are millions of others. There is nothing that MJ brought to the table that normal people don't do a daily basis without all the fanfare. And for the record, everything after his Off The Wall album was pretty much garbage.
                    18 septembrie la 03:56 · 

                  • Theresa Biggerstaff ‎@Glen ...Garbage after Off The Wall? Lol..5 of MJ's adult solo albums rank in the top 80 albums sold worldwide. Thriller #1, Bad #10, Dangerous, #16...13 Grammys, 26 AMA, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 2x, Songwriters Hall of Adams and Dancer's Hall of Fame. Top grossing and top attended world tours with over 12 million attendees between 1987 and 1996. Off the Wall came out in 1979. What planet have you been on since then?
                    18 septembrie la 04:05 ·  ·  2 persoane

                  • Glen Johnson So what? Just because it won awards and and got the attention of a gazillion brainwashed fans doesn't mean it's any good. The music industry since the 80's has been based mostly on advertising, production and very little on talent. MJ is a perfect example, along with The Backstreet Boys, Brittany Spears, and now Miley Cyrus and Justin Beiber. Plenty of media blitz and very little talent. Off The Wall was the last album MJ ever did before all the MTV and media blitz nonsense and his best album ever made from a musical perspective. All you sheeples can jump on these bandwagons, but for me it takes a little more than MTV videos, grabbing your crotch and moonwalking to be a real musical talent.
                    18 septembrie la 04:56 ·  ·  o persoană

                  • Kelly Jackson Glen, crotch grabbing and moonwalking didn't sell 100million copies, talent did.

                  Kelly Jackson Oh and Glen...try not to show too much jealousy, it's not good for you, just be happy with the life you choose and stop judging others because you aren't.
                  18 septembrie la 06:06 ·  ·  2 persoane

                • Glen Johnson ‎30 mil, 15 mil who cares. The fact remains he still settled for a lot of money for something he was "innocent" of.
                  18 septembrie la 06:09 ·  ·  o persoană

                • Kelly Jackson Glen, why do you care so much about MJ? Kind of strange that you care to comment so much on someone you don't like.
                  18 septembrie la 06:15 ·  ·  o persoană

                • Glen Johnson My issue is not with MJ himself.. it's all the people who claim to "know him" and act as if he's the greatest musical talent the world has ever seen. You guys are so blinded from all the sheepleness you wouldn't know real talent if it slapped you in the face. Was he talented, sure he was, but not to the extent you guys make of him. And that in itself is my only issue. I get so tired of people whining about how "rough" his life was, how "sad" he was and all that BS. My issue is not with MJ himself, but his so called fans that act like he never did any wrong, and walked on water.
                  18 septembrie la 06:29 ·  ·  o persoană

                • Glen Johnson And as far as jealousy goes, no I am not jealous that I am not dead.
                  18 septembrie la 06:36 ·  ·  o persoană

                • Dawn Robin well Glenn if he had "molested" your son..would you have agreed to a 30 million settlement..or any settlement period? cause I know I sure wouldn't have. If he was truly "guilty" which he wasn't no amount of millions could have changed what they were trying to say he had done. He was talented,yes and seems to me your jealous of him even in death. Thats pathetic..if you don't like him fine but keep your worthles opinions to your damn self!!
                  18 septembrie la 07:02 ·  ·  2 persoane
                Glen Johnson Kelly, trust me, It's not like I lose sleep over it or anything. But during the trial and even now so many people are focused on his supposed greatness as having some kind of bearing as to how the trial should go. Murray is guilty as hell of neglect, but at the same time MJ has to take some responsibility of what he became, and just get tired of so many people making excuses for him. You can't even make one negative comment about him without everyone jumping on you and coming out of the woodwork about how "great" he was and how "talented" he was and how "caring" he was, when all the evidence disputes that. Get used to me because I'm not going away.
                18 septembrie la 07:04 ·  ·  o persoană

              • Glen Johnson You can't even talk about the trial itself without all the" MJ is god" people coming out. I would prefer to stick to the case itself, but the MJ crazies make it unable to do so, so I speak my mind about other things, just like they do.
                18 septembrie la 07:07 ·  ·  o persoană

              • Dawn Robin Tell me this,if he wasn't talented. Then how come all the younger ones like Justin Bieber and using his dance moves,fashion etc. If he wasn't talented then how come all of his concerts were sell outs? they sold out in a matter of minutes. No one could dance or sing the way he did. If he was "manufactured" talented none of that would have happened.
                18 septembrie la 08:16 · 

              • Glen Johnson Dawn, and now that I read the post I missed earlier regarding the molestation, if he was found innocent of it at a criminal trail, and all I had left was a civil trial, damn right I would take it if he was offering it. No different than the Goldman's taking whatever they could could get when that was they all they had left.
                18 septembrie la 08:19 · 

              • Cathy C Russon I believe, from what I know so far, that Murray is guilty of negligent homicide. I'll wait to hear all testimony and evidence, however. As far as MJ's talent. I'm siding with Glen on this one. He's been put up as some kind of God in the music world. I just didn't see him like that. I will never understand putting anyone up on a pedestal and practically worshiping them when you've never met 
              them. It's weird how some fans are. They act like they knew him personally when my guess is no one really knew him at all.
              18 septembrie la 08:35 ·  ·  o persoană

            • Cathy C Russon Well, I wouldn't say that this is a pro-mj forum. It is Diane Dimond's page after all. LOL! So this is as good as place as any to discuss what you don't like about MJ. Seems reasonable.
              18 septembrie la 08:56 ·  ·  o persoană

            • Cathy C Russon Actually....why are people on here that don't like Diane Dimond? This is her facebook page.....weird.
              18 septembrie la 09:21 ·  ·  o persoană

            • Dawn Robin all human life should be valued rather it is Michael Jackson's or Joe Blow...but Michael didn't make the choice to end his life. He had no idea that dr was gonna over dose him . More importantly the doctor should have just said no. He might have been out of a job,but Michael would still be here. Murray had no reguards for Michael's life what so ever. And now he will get what he deserves (hopefully)
              18 septembrie la 09:35 ·  ·  2 persoane

            • Karla Jorge Diane, there were no more Doctor's on Michael's prescritions as you and I have for different treatments. I have my primary doctor, I have an OB, I have an allergist, I have a cardiologist, i have a skin Dr. You will often find prescriptions by all these in my possesion. Don't argue this one, I have and read the autopsy report a hundred times by now.
              18 septembrie la 15:10 ·  ·  3 persoane

            • Katy Loren Well I only read part of the posts on here, but enough to say I have to agree with Glen Johnson -- I think MJ was a talented singer/dancer, but all those "fanatics/fans" out there who cannot admit that he was pretty screwed up personally are really not being realistic. I think Diane Dimond feels the same way from what I've read -- those who go crazy and can't admit that he was weird and did some questionnable things are just ignorant -- I liked some of Elvis' music, but he was a mess personally -- I don't worship him either. I believeMJ thought he was a god -- some of his concerts where he portrayed himself as Jesus was just sick.
              18 septembrie la 16:09 ·  ·  2 persoane
            Glen Johnson You guys crack me up. Last I checked this is Diane Dimonds page and I think we all know how she feels about MJ. If anyone is intruding and "making trouble" it's you. Why are you even on this page if you hate her so much? Why don't you all head over to the "MJ is God and the greatest ever" page where you belong, and let us normal people discuss how WE feel. Then that way you can all agree together, hold hands and sing Man in the Mirror or whatever.
            18 septembrie la 20:00 · 

          • Cathy C Russon What I don't understand is why people are on Diane Dimond's page loving MJ. This would not be the page for that. I'm sure there are other pages where fans can talk about him. My guess is Diane Dimond's page would attract more people who believe MJ liked little boys, etc. And who didn't really care for MJ as a musical talent.
            18 septembrie la 20:13 · 

          • Glen Johnson My point exactly Cathy, if we were to go on the MJ is great page and disagree we'd be called haters and much worse. Yet I guess it's ok for them to come on this page and do the same thing THEY condemn us for. The difference is we can debate like normal people without letting our emotions blind us to the real truth.
            18 septembrie la 20:17 · 

          • Glen Johnson And if you prefer to keep it in the US, the current US population is now at over 312 million, which still means there are at least 275 million that don't like him or could less either.
            18 septembrie la 21:45 · 

          • Susan Taylor I notice that those who don't like MJ say we fans all worship him. LOL. Typical excuse that the haters use to discredit us 
          and that includes Diane Dimond. No we do NOT consider him a God, we consider him a human being who is worthy of respect. DD is obsessed with him herself although in not a healthy or realistic way, but it is still an obsession. Michael was a good decent humble man but of course some prefer to believe otherwise. Some don't want the real truth about him because it would take to much effort to find out or it would make their own lives not so great after all. Hating MJ says more about the hater than it does about him.
          18 septembrie la 23:47 ·  ·  9 persoane

        • Dawn Robinson Diane,,with all do respect keep your mouth closed about Michael,,you knew and still know nothing about him,,you are cold hearted and spew lies..all for money
          luni la 03:14 ·  ·  5 persoane

        • Dawn Robin Glen,he is not the one on trail. The trail has to do with that murderer not the way Michael lived his life. which once again was his business. You make it seem like he was a drug addict who popped pills as if they were candy. And he was not,your getting off track as usual and taking the focus off of the man responsible for taking Michael's life.
          luni la 03:22 ·  ·  6 persoane

        • Marie Paul Yes please stay out of anything to do with Michael Jackson, you seem to have a vendetta against him...watching some of the old clips that show you as a cold, bullying vindictive so and so....makes my blood boil. One thing about him trying to change from a black man when the guy has vitiligo is an obviously racscist comment.
        • Dawn Robinson I like Michael,suffer from lupus,,I also suffer from fibromyalgia,,so i am prescribed a boat load of pills,,Michael was NO drug addict..
          luni la 03:43 ·  ·  5 persoane

        • Dawn Robinson ONE WORD,,,,VITILIGO!!!!ENOUGH SAID..
          luni la 03:49 ·  ·  5 persoane

        • Cathy C Russon Why are people on this page that do not like Diane Dimond? Isn't this her page?
          luni la 04:02 ·  ·  o persoană

        • Glen Johnson Dawn, why don't you go somewhere else where everyone loves him? Should be plenty out there. I have a right to my opinion and name calling won't change it.
          luni la 04:03 · 

        • Cathy C Russon Kiki, I have no problem with anti-Diane fans being on her (not my page) but those same fans are telling Glen he shouldn't be on here hating on MJ. I just think that this page is as good as any for that kind of opinion.
          luni la 04:05 · 

        • Glen Johnson A bazzilion people all over the world suffer from some illness of some sort, but most do their best to live a normal life and don't use it as a crutch to gain sympathy, let alone destroy themselves over it. MJ was weak, and that's all there is to it.
          luni la 04:05 · 

        • Marie Paul Quite the opposite Glen....MJ was so strong to deal with all he had to deal with, imagine if you were in his shoes and being accused of all these horrendous things yet you were innocent ?
          luni la 04:16 ·  ·  3 persoane

        • Glen Johnson ‎1st of all my opinion has NOTHING to do with Diane's. You want facts, he was a weirdo. He created a Neverland for kids (who the heck does that) ? And don't give me that "he was a kid who never had an adulthood) nonsense. He's not the first child star and won't be the last. So he had Vitiligo and Lupus, so what? Not like he's the only one in the world with it and is far from life 
        threatening. So he gave away money to causes, so do plenty of others. What normal person makes their kids wear masks when they go out in public,and gives them stupid names like Blanket or Prince whatever? The bottom line is he had it all and couldn't handle it. Blame the media all you want but, but when he needed them he was all for it, but when he had accomplished what he wanted then he was done with them, but it doesn't work that way. All I'm asking you all is what exactly made him more special than anyone else?

        luni la 04:43 · 

      • Marie Paul Well at least you admit he had lupus and vitiligo, but what about the fact that the media didn't say that was why he carried an umbrella or wore a mask....they just made him out to be weird, which is what you are reiterating....don't you see how you are following along with what they have instilled in you ?
        luni la 04:48 ·  ·  3 persoane

      • Kitty Valentina He created Neverland for *himself*. Hugh Hefner is hailed as a hero for creating a place for hired prostitutes to lay about, but he isn't considered weird at all. I had no idea these were crimes though, I thought Americans believed in this concept of personal freedom, it seems that's all fine until you enjoy theme parks. Did you know that Mike didn't even live in Neverland full time? Nope, but he let local poor school children visit it twice a week when he wasn't even there. His grandfather and great grandfather was named Prince, it's a family name. He had vitiligo and lupus, don't you think it' sad that the media chose to make him a laughing stock for these two illnesses? Even if you hated him, that seems an incredibly sad state of affairs to try and justify. What makes him special is the reason you're here trying to denigrate him when it seems you barely know any more about him than what the media has told you.
        luni la 04:50 ·  ·  11 persoane

      • Marie Paul Yes @ Kitty Valentina I agree, its strange how creating an amusement park for underpriviledged children to enjoy is frowned upon ? Most millionaires just go about their business spending their hard earned cash on themselves, Michael decides to share some of his and is crucified for it....
        luni la 04:58 ·  ·  8 persoane
      Glen Johnson Marie, because most people who have those diseases don't carry an umbrella or wear a mask.
      luni la 05:01 · 

    • Dawn Robinson His lungs were weak because of lupus,,and he could not be in the sun with the vitiligo glen,,my friend has it,,she too carries an umbrella
      luni la 05:12 ·  ·  3 persoane

    • Kitty Valentina People who have lupus need to avoid the sun, google lupus and photosensitivity. Ignorant statements like that make me suspect you just don't like MJ and are seeking anything to confirm your dislike of him and his fans. And about the masks? So? Is Lady Gaga crucified for being a freak? Grace Jones? And at least he cared about his children being exploited, unlike Suri Cruise who makes more magazine covers than her parents.
      luni la 05:24 ·  ·  7 persoane

    • Dawn Robinson And Glen,,he wore the mask,because the lupus weakens the lungs and makes you more susepttible to other things that re contagious airborne,,i know i live with lupus
      luni la 05:24 ·  ·  4 persoane

    • Kitty Valentina It's because he suffered from photosensitivity:
      luni la 05:26 ·  ·  4 persoane

    • Kitty Valentina I think it's funny whenever people try and discuss him as a criminal start bringing up all this other random stuff - the names of his kids? Masks? It reminds me of how the prosecution in 2005 wanted to present those same things as part of MJ being a criminal, why? Because they had nothing else to go on.
      luni la 05:27 ·  ·  9 persoane

    • Dawn Robinson Kitty,,i am more than aware of both lupus and vitiligo,,i do not need a lesson girlfriend,,if i could post a pic here i have two friends with vitiligo,,and i suffer from lupus,,so i am very well educated on both..

    • Monique Jordon what made Michael different was that he did not live by society's rules
      now that's what made him more special than anyone else...

    • Kathy Deaton Sharp DD has never lied but had very responsible reporting on MJ why do people want to attack innocent people the do there job. Move on people MJ is dead and he left this legacy himself
      luni la 06:07 · 

    • Karen Giordano Catizone As to what set him apart from other artists-what made him different? How about the most albums sold ever? No one will ever top that. And the media back then was no where near what it is today. In my opinion-and a lot of other people-those albums didn't walk themselves of those shelves-feel the same. And if you don't, fine. But don't bash us because we do. It's our right to like him as much as it's yours to not. I am sure if whoever it is that is your favorite artist was bashed continually like MJ was, you'd be defending them too. What is wrong with MJ fans defending him when people bash him? What should be asked is, what is wrong with people who bash him at all?
      luni la 06:45 ·  ·  5 persoane

    • Kelly Jackson And, saying that MJs talent was "manufactured" had me in stitches, too funny, MJ was born with that talent and MANY talents, MJs dancing, singing, artisitic abilities etc. I guess was manufactured by God.
      luni la 06:49 ·  ·  4 persoane

    • Glen Johnson LOL you guys are killing me.. so much emotion for someone who doesn't deserve it really. You guys crack me up. He was a mediocre artist at best, yet you act like he was the second coming... whatever.
      luni la 07:09 · 

    • Cathy C Russon Wow Diane! There are people on your page that can't simply debate MJ without resorting to name calling, bashing and blocking. Too funny!
      luni la 19:52 ·  ·  o persoană

      • Cathy C Russon I have zero problem with anything Glen has said to this point. He hasn't called anyone names on here (but he has been called several) he has said what he thinks about MJ...plain and simple. Why can't that be ok?
        luni la 19:53 · 

      • Glen Johnson <---- never blocks anyone, and not going anywhere. Call me names, wish harm upon me and my family, makes no difference to me. Ignore me if you like, but it is my opinion and will stick to it. Just have better things to do at the moment. But bet your bottom dollar you guys aren't running me off.
        luni la 20:02 · 

      • Glen Johnson And here's another nugget to think about. If MJ has "Billions of fans around the world", they sure weren't buying his music. Out of the top 100 top grossing albums of all time, MJ has ONE which is Thriller. And it's not even #1. So that makes me think all his "billions" of fans could care less about the music, but more so because of the hype and the "It's cool to be an MJ" fan factor. Just sayin...
        marţi la 18:50 · 

      • Glen Johnson So far nobody has even asked me my opinion the trial, too busy berating me because I don't think MJ was as talented as others do.
        marţi la 23:08 · 

      • Harper MacLeod ‎@Glen - I've just skimmed through the posts so far since there are SO many but, truthfully, I wouldn't ask your opinion on the trial not because you don't think Michael Jackson wasn't as talented as some. I simply wouldn't ask because frankly you're not the type of person I would go to for any sort of insite. Plain and simple. Hope that clears things up for you a bit. :-)
        marţi la 23:32 · 

    • Glen Johnson Mary, then that's too bad, however I'l tell you anyway. Dr Murray is guilty as sin of at least malpractice and neglect for sure. Do I think he killed him intentionally, no because MJ was his meal ticket, but at the same time absolutely responsible for not providing MJ proper care whether MJ asked for it or not. Guilty as charged I say... Maybe one of these days you guys will actually listen to the points I have made and be able to separate MJ's talents from the trial itself. One has absolutely nothing to do with the other.
      Ieri la 01:47 · 

    • Bonnie Ramsay Wow! Came to take a look at this thread as suggested by a friend, but the number or posts is DECREASING as I read. Someone/people deleting comments and/or blocking peeps I suppose?
      Ieri la 02:43 · 

    • Glen Johnson Bonnie, blocking me more than likely....
      Ieri la 02:59 · 

    • Bonnie Ramsay Ummmm...I don't think so Glen. I believe only Diane can "block" people from her page, which would make their posts disappear from the page totally if my experience with blocking is correct! LOL Also, I do believe anyone has the power to delete their own posts from any page on FB if they so desire. So I don't think this has anything to do with you as I can see PLENTY of your posts in this thread...even though I now can't see the post my friend left, which was the link I used to get here. It's completely disappeared. :-/
      Ieri la 03:04 · 

    • Diane Dimond Hello folks - ENOUGH already. I am the one who got in here and pared down the rhetoric. This is not a chat room. Its my FaceBook page and whether some visitors like it or not I am in charge of my own page. Those who dislike me can go post on the "Michael Jackson is Perfect-and-Above-Reproach Page."
      Ieri la 03:51 ·  ·  3 persoane

    Bonnie Ramsay Well, I don't know what the deleted posts said of course...not clairvoyant unfortunately. Damnit all! LOL But from what I was able to read and skim through beforehand, people were pretty much occupied with disliking each other more then you Diane.
    Ieri la 04:08 · 

  • Glen Johnson Bonnie, in all fairness, Diane was hammered as much if not more than I was. If you want to come to a page that you already know you dislike and debate that's fine. But to come on ones page for the sole purpose of spewing hate is unacceptable in my opinion. Either debate like an adult or stay away.
    Ieri la 05:09 · 

  • Bonnie Ramsay Oh believe me, I absolutely agree. The art of true debate is lost on most individuals in this day and age unfortunately. It's a sad state of affairs as far as I'm concerned. But in all fairness, from what I was able to read no one was not guilty of slipping from an adult debate into childish ranting at times. It's to be expected I suppose since no one is perfect to begin with, and with the internet and FB people tend to be far too bold and indulge in their more base instincts since they'll never have to look the person they're "debating" with in the eye. Keyboard Warrior Syndrome! :-/
    Ieri la 05:32 ·  ·  o persoană

  • Diane Dimond Well, I'm glad you "tuned in" after I cleaned out detris. Ugly awful incorrect things I refuse to have on my wall. Wish I's caught it sooner!
    Ieri la 06:24 · 

    acum 9 ore ·  ·  o persoană

  • Mikky Moon without mj, you are nobody
    acum 37 minute · 

  • Mikky Moon be carreful, lost 20 years from your life..
    acum 21 minute · 

 ·  ·  · 16 septembrie la 19:52 via mobil ·



Unknown said...

ati vazut al doilea comentariu? cu cine e ea prietena?? cu ratata aia de angajata care s.a dus la tabloide

Adrian Andrade McManus

Unknown said...

ha haaa, bineinteles ca m-a blocat tocmai de aia am salvat aici tot:))

Unknown said...

ultimele doua comentarii sunt ale mele:))i-am mai scris ceva si lui Glen ala...cred ca s-au deranjat cam mult, de s-au gandit sa ma blocheze si i-am mai dat si ,,like" la pagina

Al said...

cand nu le convine asa fac, cata rautate pe ei, bravo Miky

Unknown said...

ti-am mai spus, mai demult..oamenii astia poate nu sunt mincinosi, dar pur si simplu o tin pe a lor...ignoranti, avizi dupa bani...dupa faima....

Al said...

nu stiu , cand inventezi atat de multe tampenii incepi sa le crezi

Unknown said...


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