Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ortega's email to Randy Phillips, sent on June 20,2009.

  This is the Ortega's email to Randy Phillips, sent on June 20,2009.

I will do whatever I can to be of help with this situation. I you need me to come to the house, just give me a call in the morning. My concern is, now that we've brought the doctors in to this fold and have played the tough love, now or never card, is that the Artist may be unable to rise to the occasion due to real emotional stuff. He appeared quite weak and fatigued this evening He had a terrible case of the chills, was trembling, rambling and obsessing. everything in me says he should be psychologically evaluated. If we have any chance at all to get to him back in the light, it's going to take a strong Therapist to help him through this as well as immediate physical nurturing. I was told by our Choreographer that during the Artists costume fitting with his Designer tonight they noticed he's lost more weight As far as I can tell, there is no one taking responsibility (caring for) for him on a daily basis. Where was his assistant tonight? Tonight I was feeding him, wrapping him in blankets to warm his chills, massaging his feet to calm him and calling his doctor There were four security guards outside his door. but no one offering him a cup of hot tea. Finally, it's important for everyone to know, I believe that he really wants this. It would shatter him, break his heart if we pulled the plug. He's terribly frightened it's all going to go away. He asked me repeatedly tonight if I was going to leave him. He was practically begging for my confidence. It broke my heart. He was like a lost boy. There still may be a chance he can rise for the occasion if we get him the help he needs.


The lawyer who drew up the contract for Dr. Murray is on the witness stand. She said Murray wanted it written into his contract that if Michael fired him he would still get paid. She also said she asked Murray to get a 5 year medical history on Michael. Murray said he was Michael’s doctor for 3 of the 5 years and Michael’s history was small because Michael was in very good health.


  1. BECKS

    Shotokan Fudokan deci nici garzile n au miscat un ie oare vb de cei care voriau sa scoata cartea sau altii?? ....pai at...e cam ciudat:(

    acum 5 minute · Îmi place

  2. Erin Jacobs
    The defense is going to accuse the body guards of all conspiring to lie.
    Îmi place · · Follow Post · acum 12 minute

  3. Marcia Presson Shepard It didn't sound like MJ at all..and I agree with was on the 15th of May I think? or even if it was my opinion he knew he was going to kill MJ and he though enough a head to record it..and why did he just record that one conversation..the defense should have to explain tht phone call..but they won't
    acum 17 ore · Îmi place

    Marian Wilson I am thinking MJ called him on the phone and this was a voicemail the police found on Murray's phone. If someone has a drug problem giving them more makes a doctor a pusher pure and simple!!!

  4. Marcia Presson Shepard It didn't sound like MJ at all..and I agree with was on the 15th of May I think? or even if it was my opinion he knew he was going to kill MJ and he though enough a head to record it..and why did he just record that one conversation..the defense should have to explain tht phone call..but they won't
    acum 17 ore · Îmi place

    Marian Wilson I am thinking MJ called him on the phone and this was a voicemail the police found on Murray's phone. If someone has a drug problem giving them more makes a doctor a pusher pure and simple!!!

  5. inseamna ca pe el aceste concerte il speriau foarte tare, ideea revenirii si totul, increderea lui de altadata nu mai era, mai bine nu existau, toata situatia a facut sa-i fie si mai greu

  6. Da, Asa cred si eu nu mai avea incredere in el, avea 50 de ani si bolnav, ii era greu sa faca tot efortul asta de a tine 50 de concerte, am vazut depozitia lui Ortega, dupa fata, dupa mimica candvorbea de prietenul lui cat era de slabit si ingrijorat se vedea ca il intelegea ca era foarte greu ptr el, mi-a placut cand a povestit in sera de 20 cum l-a ingrijit si l-a hranit, ,la incalzit cu o patura ca pe un copil, se vede ca il speria cu cat se apropia data inceperii turneului, intrase in panica....pfffff fetelor!

  7. exact, cred ca de panica poate fi vorba si de aici efortul fizic , teama si toate celelalte :(
    acum aflam si noi in ce stare era el, fizic, psihic
    ce ne-au dat la this is it cred ca au fost cele mai bune momente
