Tuesday, September 13, 2011

'You Are Not Alone': Jermaine Jackson's Candid Look at Brother Michael

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Jermaine Jackson was shocked by his brother Michael's skeletal appearance when he died.
Jermaine has spoken movingly of his horror upon hearing of the death of his sibling -- who died from acute Propofol intoxication in June 2009 -- and admitted his frail brother looked like someone who had been "ravaged by cancer or anorexia."
Recalling his visit to the hospital to see the pop legend's body, he said: "Michael was lying on a trolley in a hospital gown. I steadied myself, took a breath, and entered the side door to the right. I went over to the other side of Michael, reaching down to take his hand, rubbing his still-soft skin. I couldn't believe how skeletal he was. He seemed half the size he had been a month earlier. If a stranger had walked into the room, they would have assumed he had been ravaged by cancer or anorexia."
Jermaine was so shocked by the sudden death of his beloved brother he found he "couldn't pull away" and lifted one of Michael's eyelids in order to "see" him one last time.
In an extract from his book "You Are Not Alone: Michael Through A Brother's Eyes" serialized by The Times newspaper, he revealed: "I leant down and kissed him on the forehead, telling him I loved him. I found I couldn't pull away. I lifted one of his eyelids because I wanted to look into his eyes, 'see' him one last time. I rested my forehead against his and wept."


EXCERPT: Jermaine Jackson's 'You Are Not Alone'




Al said...

grozav tot ce am citit, tot ce povesteste din copilaria lor
au avut intr-adevar o copilarie grea, lipsita de multe bucurii
sa vezi cum toate casele sunt decorate de Craciun, cum copiii primesc cadouri si sunt fericiti, e ff greu...
haa, dadea bomboanele pe grstis, un suflet mare de mic copil
Michael a creat la Neverland amintirile copilariei sale si lucrurile care i-au lipsit si care i-ar fi facut fericiti ca si copii

Unknown said...

cineva scrie asa pe fb

i just read Jermaines book. He said that Lisa was the one and the only relationship and she his other half. has he never heard of diana ross or brooke shields? m glad he said kind things about debbie rowe.

Unknown said...

So Mike had those 2 elders shadowing him after the Thriller video, Jermaine makes them sound all creepy..
Says Mike was okay with it but though he was incredibly self disciplined he also hated being constricted and when he was he'd want to rebel (so true about Mike) Harrison Funk shared this story with Jermaine about Mike and the elders:

...Their van had stopped at a set of traffic lights in Kansas City when Michael spotted three hookers on the street corner, with one wearing sequinned hot pants. Michael's eye couldn't help but wander. "Oh my goodness, hurt me!" he said playfully -Jackson speak for, "Oh wow, she's looking hot." Then, just as the lights were about to change, he stuck his gloved hand out of the window and waved...

Unknown said...

... What I am thankful for is that Michael
only ever wanted to know what a real
relationship felt like, and he wanted to be
loved, and find true love. As much as the
reality didn't work out in the end, his
heart finally got to know true love and I
think a part of it stayed with Lisa Marie
right until the very end....

Unknown said...

Teddy Reily said many times in the early 90's, that Remember The Time was written for his (Teddy's GF)girlfriend. Fans use to always ask him who Remember The Times was about. What on earth is Jermaine talking about ... saying MJ told him it was written with Diana Ross in mind? LOL.Well he knows, maybe it was written with both in mind.


Unknown said...

Jermaine confirms Prince has vitiligo.

Their cousins know that they are his biological children and they were born out of love and Jerm says that is all that matters.

Says he doubt heartbreak was involved at the end of their divorce

Then he says Blanket is from a surrogate, but he has absolutely no idea about it, says nobody in the family has any idea, and thinks it's great Mike could finally keep something private.

Unknown said...

Messages on the walls, like news tickers at the bottom of TV screens: "Joseph fulfilled his dreams through us" "thank you Jehovah, Joseph, Mother, Berry Gordy, Suzanne De Passe, Diana Ross" "The Earth Has Music For Those Who Listen."

An in the attic's bathroom, he posted only one telling item: a giant image of the 1981 Diana Ross album Why Do Fools Fall In Love - a title which I think points to his own reflections about his relationship with Diana. I found it significant that this was the only image that stood in isolation in all the rooms.

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