Saturday, October 8, 2011

Recorded Interview by Police of Conrad Murray

aici e parerea cuiva despre asta

So what do you all think of Murray's taped interview with the police 2 days after MJ died. There are so many holes in what he was saying and so disputed by the actual evidence. Yet Dr. Pew (Drew) seems to believe him and he said again tonight that he feels sorry for the idiot. SMH

Plus I notice that Dr. Death showed absolutely no remorse or sadness, but blamed Michael for everything. He starts off by saying that he did not know if there were other doctors yet later gives names. The guy is a liar and I hope that he will take the stand in his defense. Walgren would have a field day if he does. Good Lord, absolutely no emotion from him. Yesterday I had to have my cat put down and I was more devastated over losing him than CM shows about killing Michael, who he supposedly loved. I am so pissed at that lowlife and yet these idiot media idiots keeps going along with the addict meme, despite the autopsy results

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