Thursday, October 6, 2011

RIP to Steve Job

RIP to Steve Jobs. Not many ppl knew that Mr. Jackson and Steve Jobs were friends, they spoke often. Mr Jobs sent 12 iPhones to Mr Jackson two weeks before they went on sale to the public. Mr. Jackson gave Bill and BJ iPhones for xmas and had them personally engraved.


  1. imi pare extrem de rau ca a murit, am urmarit si la stiri, un adevarat geniu, ca si Michael, se pare ca oamenii stralucitori se sting repede, dar au o stea a lor care straluceste cu toata puterea oriunde ne-am afla
    nu stiam, uau, ce fain din partea lui , haaaaaaaa, cred ca Michael i-a dat unul lui Bill ca-i aruncase telefonul pe geam la hotel :))), trebuia sa il inlocuiasca :))))).

  2. da gravat:))

    ce scriu fanii pe fb

    ‎10 years ago we had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope and Johnny Cash.
    Now we have no Jobs, no Hope and no Cash.
