Saturday, October 29, 2011

rock-erii despre Michael

ok i'm a hardcore metalhead or headbanger or heavy metal fan or watever u wanna call me.... but that was pure fucking awesomeness!! That is why MJ is a true God of music!! cuz even as the all time king of pop he made Dirty Diana, a song that sent chills down my spine n had my head flashing as if it were Iron Maiden or Judas Priest!!! Btw.. anyone can tell me the names of those 2 guitarists? both the chic n the guy looks familiar. God they can play!!! RIP MJ n tell Dio hi 4 me wen u see him!!!

Same with me. Sort of.
The thing is, I came from being a fan of Michael Jackson when I was little, then I moved on to Iron Maiden, MetallicA, etc. etc.
Then eventually some time ago I "re-discovered" Michael Jackson's music, I forgot how important he was and also to me personally.
He definitely lead the way for GOOD MUSIC and soul and emotion and everything that music is about.
Michael Jackson, in my eyes, wasn't a Popstar, he was a Rockstar! Look at this...


  1. N-au ce-i face, oricine ar zice orice! Este apreciat de multi oameni de cultura, nu doar din speta muzicala. A fost, este si va ramane un geniu!

  2. da, si Give in to me e geniala si multe altele, putea sa cante orice, vocea ii oferea multe posibilitati, este un artist complet si mai mult decat atat
