Thursday, November 17, 2011

Celebrity/Prison Minister Responds to Conrad Murray Conviction

da..e usor sa judeci...

"No one is immune to the consequences of substance abuse.” Angelo recently remarked to a celebrity internet news reporter. “To the rich and famous drugs can be administered in the comfort of their own bedrooms or a down-and-out addict can sit in Needle Park in New York City on a filthy bench to abuse drugs.” Angelo continues. “Nonetheless, the consequences remain the same: prison, hospitalization or death. It is unfortunate for Michael Jackson that his consequence was death. With all of his fame and fortune he probably thought he was protecting himself by hiding away in a rented Beverly Hills mansion thinking he could pay a doctor to justify his addiction and not have to pay a price. There is an old saying in substance abuse treatment which is: ‘You play… You pay.’”

1 comment:

  1. a fost si responsabilitatea lui, asa este, DAR doctorul a zis DA, nu a rezistat, si apoi, mai intreb iar, CINE L-A PUS SA IASA DIN CAMERA? nimeni, deci...
