mare controversa cu aceasta carte...recomandata de Mesereau
culmea e ca nu e cartea bodyguarzilor...dar am vazut pe pagina lor de FB un comentariu in acre cineva spunea ca autoarea nu e un fan, cum pretinde, dimpotriva, ca ea l-ar crede pe Michael vinovat de toate acuzatiile ea ar fi furat informatiile de la bodyguarzi...acestia din urma au fost de acord cu acest comentariu..aceeasi persoana a precizat ca autoarea si bodiguarzii au colaborat, pana la un punct
interesant e ca astia nu ies macar sa spuna:nu e cartea noastra...sau da, e...sau e , partial...
mare controversa cu aceasta carte...recomandata de Mesereau
culmea e ca nu e cartea bodyguarzilor...dar am vazut pe pagina lor de FB un comentariu in acre cineva spunea ca autoarea nu e un fan, cum pretinde, dimpotriva, ca ea l-ar crede pe Michael vinovat de toate acuzatiile ea ar fi furat informatiile de la bodyguarzi...acestia din urma au fost de acord cu acest comentariu..aceeasi persoana a precizat ca autoarea si bodiguarzii au colaborat, pana la un punct
interesant e ca astia nu ies macar sa spuna:nu e cartea noastra...sau da, e...sau e , partial...
asta e ce au pus ei de Craciun
ReplyDeleteMJs Bodyguards
Merry Christmas to All of you. This was MJs favorite time of the year, as he enjoyed giving to those less fortunate and in need.
Much love, B&J
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la comentariul asta ei nu au raspuns nimic
Jeanann Leone
Guys- I heard a Dr. Moriarity is publishing her book, "In Defense of A King"- almost the same title as your book. I understand she is the one who worked with you and stole your information. This is what was posted on a forum in which I participate in when the person who brought the book to our intention and was asked if Moriarty was the one who worked with you: "Yes, she was working with them for a while, but the direction of the book was not going as she envisioned it should be going. The split was amicable, as long as she didn't use stuff from previous conversations with them. Tom Mesereau met and spoke with her more than once. He has endorsed the book.
"If you want an eye-opening portrayal of the real Michael Jackson-delivered
in a rare blend of disclosure, respect, insight, and passion-this is it!"
- Thomas A. Mesereau, Jr."
I wonder if Tom Mesereau knew how deceptive she was with you guys? I bet if he was, he wouldn't be supportive of her and the book.
I emailed her and told her that her book title was almost exactly the same as yours is going to be, and that it would cause misunderstandings because people might buy her book thinking it was yours. She told me she copyrighted the title in April. One of the ladies on our forum says you cannot copyright a title of a book. Now, she could have copyrighted the whole book, I don't know.
I see on her website there is a picture of her with Mike Garcia. Is this why he has split off from your group?
This just makes me sick as you guys have been working so long and hard in trying to bring this book to fruition. I hope you still plan on publishing. I noticed the last comment you all made was tht it was done and you were just waiting to get permission to use a few names in the book. Do you have a publishing date?
iar la comentariul asta au dat like bodyguarzii
Mufasa King
I've investigated Karen Moriarty and discovered she is no fan of MJ. She beleived he was guilty of the charges he onced faced and now she trying to capitalize on the work she stole from the bodyguards. Its was not until MJ died she became infactuated with his life. She is a thief and she's no Doctor.
Îmi place · · Vezi prietenia · 24 decembrie la 06:43 ·
Lui MJs Bodyguards îi place asta.
deci, ce sa intelegem de aici???ca Messereau sustine o carte scrisa de o mincinoasa si o hoata??sau ca fanii sunt complet dezinformaati??dar daca sunt dezinformatii, atunci are rost ca bodyguarzii sa confirme ce s-a descoperit despre femeia asta**??
,,dezinformati" ..scuze
ReplyDeletein al doilea link e siteul oficial al cartii
acolo vad ca are poza si cu Messereau si cu unul dintre bodyguarzi, Mike explica, astefel ca au colaborat, ca se cunosteau...
Cred ca singura explicatie ar fi ca nu e vb de aceleasi informatii, ca nu e aceeasi carte..poate fabuleaza fanii...habar nu am...
nu stiu, mi se pare ca bodyguarzii au facut-o lata cu cartea, nu au mai scos nimic, acum or fi vandut din info, sa nu vorbesc aiurea
ReplyDeletebingo...ce desteapta esti...uite, ca la asta nu m-am gandit
ReplyDeleteHi, I would love to help you with the Kindle. It's not a phone though, do you know that? I don't know how you would like to do this, but you can email me at (I can't change the email! It was made to mock Desiree).
ReplyDeleteIf we can work out the details I would love to help you get the Kindle for your daughter.
oo, am citit si eu ce e un kindle, foarte tare
ReplyDeletepoate ca de asta nu vor sa zica nimic in privinta acestei ´´alte´´ carti
ReplyDeleteda, ali, e tare chestia ...un fel de tableta cu care poti citi fara sa iti obosesti ochii..acum ramane sa vedem care il foloseste3 m mult...copilul sau tatal copilului:)))
ReplyDeleteoricum, tipa e draguta ca s.a oferit sa ma ajute...aici e f scump...