Now What - Special Credits
(Warning! Ok, now I am going to get sappy and emotional)
Friends and Family:
For my Beautiful Mother and Father: (deep breath and big gasp for air on this one!) Each of us have pioneered unusual imperfect lives and challenges individually, GOD I wish we could have all been there for the other in doing so. It may not have made it any easier but it would have been a lot less serious. We are still an eternal unit never broken, and I love and appreciate you two so very much it could bury me alive! I hope I haven’t been too much of a burden to bear, but hey! If I have, it runs in the damn family! : ) ...
My babies: Until you have your own children someday you may not understand why I’m all over you and I kiss you to death (when you let me) or why I am the Intense Protector Gladiator Lioness mother that I am (who would personally kick the ass of anyone who would (even if slightly) hurt your feelings, and if I couldn’t do it I would find someone who could immediately : ) There isn’t enough space in all of the universes combined to hold the depth of love I have for you in. You are my life and my heart. Be careful with it will ya : ) !!!
Lockwood: It took me 26 years to find you and DAMMIT if your not perfect in everyway! I admire and love you more than I ever knew was possible. Many others have tried to have a love like this w/ me to no avail.
THANK YOU for allowing me to finally know what "SoulMate" and "Being One" really is.
THANK YOU for your talent, your ear, and your expertise on this record.
THANK YOU for finally being the perfect fit to the other half of me! : )
MINE!!!!!!!!!!! ALL MINE!
Paigey: I wouldn't be what I am Or who I am without you (Piss OFF if you try and convince me otherwise) I mean it dammit, I need your energy and lifeforce to survive. (Yes, like a vampire and insect, or anything else that needs food: )
I love you! Thank you for you're unconditional attention, support and love.
Danny Keough: My best Friend, My Co-parent, My Unconditional loved one! I am so lucky to have had these amazing children with you and to have you so close in my life!
So many have tried to sabotage our bond over the years, we've been through everything together and you know what!? We WON so F*** THEM! We always end up there for each other through everything in the end! I Loooooooooove You!
da, adica ce scrie la sfarsit e cu un scop precis catre MJ, ca sa il atace.Albumul a aparut n 2005, parca
cam asta gandea ea despre el la vremea aceea, cand el era la proces...
poza din 2005, Lisa cu Michael Lockwood
de pe contul de FB AL SOTULUI>) NU CRED CA E O GLUMA>)
O poza interesanta, de la filmarile ptr Childhood..vad ca Lisa il,viziteaza pe Mike, dar lumea se inteaba ce face cu mainile intre picioare)), desi stie ca e filmata...
si de sotul ei zice ca e jumatatea ei, ca stie ce inseamna sufletul pereche, eeh, asta e