Sunday, January 8, 2012

Michael Jackson Reportedly Accepted Jesus Christ as his Saviour Three Weeks Before his Death

Este intersesant acest comentariu care pare sa confirme ce a declarat autorul articolului

This is ABSOLUTELY TRUE as my family and I have been personal friends of Michael's for many years. There were many circumstances which led to Michael's genuine acceptance of Jesus Christ. There were innumerous amazing situations, too many to mention here and many involving many other mature Christians. This journey was ongoing for months and years prior to his death.
No Christian would dare challenge the accuracy of Jesus and his loving acceptance of the thief on the cross. Jesus showed him absolute mercy and forgiveness in his last hours because he showed faith towards Jesus. Jesus knew his heart.
What a disgrace that not only have so many so called Christians self-righteously pre-judged Michael Jackson but it is tantamount to doubting that Michael wasn't as worthy as some of them are of God's redemption. No one should doubt as a true believer that God loved Michael and knew he would receive him before his death. What did Jesus come for? What did He die for? Did He Himself not say that a doctor comes for those who are sick and not those who are well? That is the God we serve, a God of miracles and sometimes 11th hour salvation.
Who is anyone to question what Jesus does and doubt all He said He would do. I fall on my knees rejoicing in a God who heard the pain and grief in Michael's heart. Jesus stood at the door and knocked and Michael answered. The unbelief that follows these events is just what grieved Jesus when his disciples had their overt moments of doubting Him. How have we as the church learned anything?
Why are so many so quick to not believe? Even when it involves the distinctly characteristic love, grace and mercy of the God so many claim to serve. I thank all the saints who interceded, leading to the chains that were broken. I thank those who boldly witnessed to Michael. I thank God, humbled, that despite many obstacles, we were able to witness one of the most extraordinary against-all-demonic-odds salvation in the modern world. That we were able to see our friend, forget the "icon" but a wonderful father and person, who cried out to you as we are ALL able to do. I praise YOU Father for all YOU did leading up to Michael's salvation, all YOU orchestrated as only YOU can. Jesus, I love you.


  1. nu stiu cat de mult conteaza asta, conteaza ca el credea in divinitate mult si avea puternice principii de viata bazate mai ales pe dragoste si acceptare a tuturor oamenilor, si astea veneau din sufletul lui, nici o religie nu te invata asta, parerea mea

  2. asa e, sa stii, dar cand ii vezi pe toti cum il judeca..

    era, imediat dupa ce a murit, pe un forum de credinciosi, o discutie in care toti se bucurau ca MJ SE DUCE IN IAD...


  3. exact, cat de credincios esti cand te bucuri de raul altuia, ca s-a dus cineva? nu e credinta
