The real reason why Michael left was because he was sick and tired of his hateful countrymen and wanted to be as far away from them as it was only possible. Frank Cascio says about it:
After the verdict, Michael called our house in New Jersey to talk to everyone. His conversation with me, it will come as no surprise, was a little strange.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
“I’m happy to hear your voice,” Michael replied. “We got through this, but it was not good. It wore me out, Frank. I gotta get out of here. I want to get out of the country. They don’t deserve me. Everyone can go fuck themselves. I want nothing to do with the United States. I’m never coming back.”
SOURCE: vindicate mj
mda, normal ca s-a simtit dornic sa plece ca doar ´´ai lui´´ l-au acuzat pe nedrept
da, nici eu nu as fi stat acolo...daca as fi fost fi venit in Romania:)
ieeeee, Romanica
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