"I’m handling it by using other people in the past who have gone through this sort of thing. Mandela’s story is giving me a lot of strength, what he’s gone through and the Jack Johnson story was on PBS. It’s on DVD now. It’s called ‘Unforgivable Blackness’. It’s an amazing story about this man from 1910 who was the heavyweight champion of the world and bust into a society that didn’t want to accept his position and his lifestyle, and what they put him through..." - Michael Jackson, 2005
"and how they changed laws to imprison the man. They put him away behind bars just to get him some kind of way. And-and Muhammad Ali’s story. All these stories. The Jesse Owens story. All these stories that I can go back in history and read about gives me strength Jessie. Your story gives me strength, what you went through. Because I didn’t, I came in at the tail end of the Civil Rights Movement." - Michael Jackson, 2005
cred ca era de asteptat ca dupa evenimentele din 93 Michael sa vrea sa se exprime, sa se elibereze prin muzica
ReplyDeletepoate lumea nu se astepta sa raspunda atat de puternic si sunt sigura ca multora nu le-a convenit deloc atitudinea lui
cat este de destept, totul e documentat, fiecare cuvintel din melodii are semnificatie, genial om
mda, pai Sneddon e unul din acei ´´mari albi´´ care su fost pe urmele lui, un adevarat stalker, obsedat pana la nebunie, cred :((
cum ar putea un om negru sa fie mai tare ca un alb, sa castige mai multe premii?? asta era marea lor pb, cum putea un negru sa ajuna la MTV sau pe coperta Rolling stone? in ce lume traim, iar in 80 , 70 etc, era si mai rau :(
chestia grava e ca si astazi e rasism..chiar daca ei se feresc sa recunoasca...se observa..