Sunday, February 5, 2012

100 Most Influential People of the Twentieth Century

History Makers: 100 Most Influential People of the Twentieth Century
History Makers: 100 Most Influential People of the Twentieth Century 
Bob Dylan, Marie Curie, Bill Gates, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King … who was more influential in the history of the twentieth century?
History Makers profiles the 100 people whose legacies burn brightest in the history of the last century – from the greatest scientists to the boldest political leaders and intellectuals – and ranks them in order of their influence. Their achievements are placed in the context of their times and illuminating insights are offered into their inimitable genius. Drawn from all fields of endeavour, those featured fall into five main categories: Politics and Leadership, Science and Technology, Popular Culture and the Arts, Business and Commerce, and Knowledge and Philosophy.
Counting down from 100 to 1, History Makers uses a specially devised mathematical formula to reveal who the most influential person of the twentieth century was – and why.

first 30

1. Albert Einstein
2. Henry Ford
3. Papa Ioan Paul al doilea
4. Walt Disney
5. Elvis Presley
6. Adolf Hitler
7. John Fitzgerald Kennedy
8. Martin Luther King
9. Fratii Wright
10. Sigmund Freud
11. Miles Davis
12. Salvador Dali
13. Marilyn Monroe
14. Michael Jackson
15. James Dean
16. Marie Curie
17. Bob Dylan
18. Winston Churchill
19. James Joyce
20. John Lennon
21. Fidel Castro
22. V.I. Lenin
23. Ronald Reagan
24. Saddam Hussein
25. Woodrow Wilson
26. Che Guevara
27. I.V. Stalin
28. Mohandas Gandhi
29. Bill Gates
30. Charlie Chaplin.

1 comment:

Al said...

uau, Mj ocupa locul 14 din cei 100

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