Monday, February 27, 2012

guess who?LISA OR MARYLIN?



Taraborelli spunea ca MIKE  avea asta in dormitor...



mj notes on the back of the things

iar de pe fb am luat asta, de la cineva care spunea asa:

e un tip, care stie f multe despre MJ
So, you know how you're at your desk job, and you have to write down all the contact numbers of the people you have to call for your boss? This was my J section. (Sorry for the blur...but K.T. Horningmade a point these things - even though the info has surely changed from 1983).

The Michael Jackson Story Unmasked-online in romana

asa apare scris pe un site de filme documentare:

Atât de multe s-au spus despre viața turbulentă și cariera fenomenală a lui Michael Jackson, încât a devenit aproape imposibil să desprinzi omul de mit. Poate mai mult decât orice idol din istoria muzicii pop, Michael Jackson a fost o figură carismatică, dar în același timp enigmatică în multe din dezbaterile aprinse care l-au avut în centrul atenției. Însă un singur lucru rămâne cert: talentul său de a crea muzică, ceea ce i-a adus dragostea a milioane de fani.
Și, în ciuda unor eșecuri care ar fi încheiat cariera unui om mai slab, legiunile de fani ale lui Michael Jackson rămân la fel de loiale astăzi ca întotdeauna, iar realizările sale ca Rege al Pop-ului, din anii 80, vor rămâne întotdeauna cele mai impresionante din istoria muzicii.
Acest film documentar grupează omagiile pline de căldură ale lui Janet Jackson, Brooke Shields, Gladys Knight, puse alături de câteva intervenții video ale lui Michael Jackson însuși. La acestea se adaugă înregistrări din culisele vieții megastarului. Povestea necenzurată a lui Michael Jackson îndrăznește să arunce o privire în viața unuia dintre cele mai enigmatice și ieșite din comun staruri pop din toate timpurile.

With his scalp bandage

Mike with the Dalai Lama

asta e minciuna cu sharyl

cred ca astia sunt de la 3T

:))au acelasi model de blugi

The 8 Most Expensive Parties in the World

These kinds of parties are the parties everyone would like to attend. They are expensive, luxurious and should be insanely entertaining. The amount of money spent should secure that you have a great time, eat and drink whatever you like and most importantly remember it for the rest of your life. So put your party hat on and enjoy the list of the most expensive parties in the world.

1. Sultan of Brunei 50th birthday ($27.2 million)

The half a century celebration deserved a proper party. Sultan of Brunei’s 50th birthday party was one of the most expensive parties to have ever been thrown. The peak of the night was Michael Jackson’s concert, while enjoying in the Kong of Pop’s incredible performance the guests were served with expensive caviar and champagne. It is one in a life time experience. Those lucky one who had the opportunity to attend this unique party back in 1996 will wish that the Sultan lives to celebrate his 100birthday in the same spirit.

2. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Martin party ($10 million)

It is not a novelty among jetsetters and celebrities to throw such a lavish party. Apparently, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Martin threw the second most expensive arty in the history, or better to say a social event for people to mingle. The price at the time (it was back in 1879) was $369,200 which is close to $10 million nowadays. It was held at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City where the guests could drink and eat whatever they wished for. Now, that’s what I call a Party.

3. David Brooks ($10 million)