Thursday, February 23, 2012

mj notes on the back of the things

iar de pe fb am luat asta, de la cineva care spunea asa:

e un tip, care stie f multe despre MJ
So, you know how you're at your desk job, and you have to write down all the contact numbers of the people you have to call for your boss? This was my J section. (Sorry for the blur...but K.T. Horningmade a point these things - even though the info has surely changed from 1983).

1 comment:

  1. foaia cu adresele si nr de tel e grozava :)), sigur ca s-au schimbat datele din 83 :)
    hmm, ma gandesc oare de ce a scris versurile la Do you remember pe spatele unui dulap :)))), s-a intamplat ceva prin vreun dulap? :))))))))))
    imi plac cuvintele de pe spatele mesei
