Sunday, April 29, 2012

Exploring Neverland: A Night Inside Michael Jackson's Abandoned Fun Park

Superb...sunt 25 de pagini prezentand Neverlandul  si prezentandu-l pe Michael Jackson, cel adevarat

The photographer, Haefner came away from Neverland with the feeling that Jackson's motivation was to create something that would “make kids happy, and give kids something he felt like he missed out on growing up.”

"After visiting Neverland, I have a strong sense that Michael was innocent of the charges that were filed against him," the photographer holds. "I don't have anything tangible to base my feelings on. I think he was just deeply misunderstood, unfortunately."

1 comment:

  1. frumoase poze, el a gandit fiecare particica din Neverland atat pt el, cat si pt toti cei care aveau sa vina acolo
    imi place manerul de batut in usa cu cei care se saruta :)
