aici e o discutie intre niste fani care l-au urmat pe Michael zeci de ani si chiar povestesc aici pe unde au umblat dupa el si unde isi facea MJ CUMPARATURILE.
De asemenea, ei sustin ca Michael exagera cand spunea ca nu poate iesi afara din casa, din cauza fanilor...dimpotriva, ca el incerca sa atraga atentia asupra lui, uneori
De asemenea, ei sustin ca Michael exagera cand spunea ca nu poate iesi afara din casa, din cauza fanilor...dimpotriva, ca el incerca sa atraga atentia asupra lui, uneori
- Laura Panunzio Michael drove a lot in LA and during 1990-1991 he was driving a white SUV and he was quite good too ;-)
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Greg Freeman I'm wondering if he took security with him. I heard that story about him breaking down in 1983 and having to run into an antiques shop and hide in a cupboard. Poor guy must have been scared. xD
Laura Panunzio In LA he often went around withou bodyguards, with a scarf on his face or without, wearing only sunglasses. If he had bodyguards heattracted even more attention when he wasn't on the spotlight with a new record or project. Yes, fans and people recognized him, but it wasn't so dangerous afterall. In 1998 I met him in Sunset blvd and he was alone. Maybe bodyguards were nearby but I never saw them; sometimes, poour guy he needed a break and being alone as everybody.
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Greg Freeman Wow, you bumped into him? Nice. Please tell us more about it. :D All the details...where you were....what you said...etc...
Laura Panunzio I knew Michael since 1988 and he knew me so just a smile and no bothering. I've been a long-time follower, but always respecting him and when he was alone, I was scared for him so I didn't do anything to put his life in jeopardy. Never asked for an autograph or a picture when he was alone. I met him in Nice too and in Rome when he was disguised in the main area, where I lived, during Bad Tour concerts. Michael was an ordinary man, very shy and liked buying CDs, books and magazines when he decided to have a walk. He went often to Tower Records and an old store of US and Music memorabilia in Melrose, other than many toys stores to play games with his guests (that case he had bodyguards). He used also to food shopping in Century City with Lisa and was almost alone too or with guards in the corners, ready to intervene but without attracting people.
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Greg Freeman Interesting. So he could go out more than he made out. Or more than has been suggested by the world over the years. I always thought it wouldn't be that difficult. He knew you? how? You worked in a shop that he went to often?
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Sandra de la Vega I think he liked to exagerate a little his situation on interviews, maybe because he wanted people to feel him, or it was just his perception, but when he was all the time saying " I cant go anywhere", "I can't leave my hotel" "Im isolated, don't have friends, dont go to parties" etc etc, I knew it was not that serious. I guess he wanted people to understand his life so he exagerated.
Greg Freeman Exactly. It's not that he couldn't go out. It's that he couldn't go out as himself and relax so much. He didn't like going to parties n stuff and being stared at and approached by everyone and everything.
Laura Panunzio Well, he wasn't under house arrest but he meant he wasn't free like us and if he had a certain desire to eat an ice-cream or flirt with some chick, as every other man does, he couldn't do it 'cos he had to contain himself. During promotions and tours, of course he was harrase by paparazzi and fans too much so he didn't go out so often. Yes Greg, I was walking on my own and met him by coincidence, when I didn't think about metting him, while if I was looking for him, I never found him! Whle in Europe, I was touring too so I bet he went in precise places and I had my connections to know where he went, a kind of 007; we were a nice and funny group of girls but he knew we were harmless and often we stayed in a corner just to look at him unless he was him to ask for something about us. For example, one of my friends was asked where she got her sequined baseball hat and she offered it to him 'cos he liked it sooooo much. He gave her another thing and now I can't remember which one. He liked trading. Once he wanted Smile 12" vinyl from me (I gave him to get it signed) and I told him to take it. Since he was too generous to accept something without giving anything in return, the next day a bodyguard came to me and gave me some signed items with my name on it. I cried for emotion for days.
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Greg Freeman Wow, nice experiences. Your friend wasn't Willy was it? I remember Willy wearing a sequinned hat a lot.
Greg Freeman Oh, ok. :D I thought it was a long shot. 'lol Many people wearing sequinned hats in the world.
Sandra de la Vega I feel so good knowing you guys could actually talk to him like that. Warms my heart since I could never see him or go to a concert, but you guys did and that's good. Bless.
Jeffery Scott Beasley We often saw Michael driving in Westwood, and he did some crazy maneuvers all the time on the little road just beside the 405 Freeway. He would play cat and mouse with us too. He'd drive fast knowing that we were following him...then he'd slow down just enough to let us catch up then burn rubber leaving us in the dust for a few block. He often drove a white GMC (I believe) van with a heavy duty soundsystem. Just to add to Laura Panunzio's spot on examples of where he'd go - He'd stop into Heratige Books on Melrose (a very expensive store with old first editions), Off The Wall Vintage Store, his favorite store for memorabilia - Chick-A-Boom. He'd eat at this Vegan restaurant on 3rd Street, Once a friend was talking to him in the studio and he asked for some water. The person getting it asked him what kind he preferred. He said Glacier would be fine. No one had any idea what he was talking about. We looked for Glacier water everywhere...until one day I was outside a Jon's Grocery Store. Jon's is a very low scale, cheap, questionable grocery store, btw. And out front was this water vending machine where you bring your jugs to fill up with water for 25 cents...and the label above it was Glacier Water.
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Laura Panunzio Exactly Chick-a-boom was one of the ones I referred to above and OTW was the other :-)
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Greg Freeman Great anecdotes. Tailing Michael Jackson and then him burning rubber, leaving you for dust. 'lol
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Jeffery Scott Beasley Right Laura Panunzio - did you ever speak to the woman at Chick A Boom...she had a very lurid obsession with MJ's crotch. They had a lot of the Jacksons costumes upon the high wall - the light blue stretchy shiny suits from the Enjoy Yourself period. I felt like I was being sexually abused whenever she talked about MJ. I'd always go in having missed him by a day or so. AndGreg Freeman, it wasn't me driving. It was another fan who had no qualms about stalking him. I just went along for the ride.
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Sandra de la Vega You can't blame a poor mortal woman for being obsessed with Mike's crotch. The mas was insanely sexy. Some women just can't handle it and loose their minds.
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Laura Panunzio Yes she tried once but since I never saw Michael in that way, I always changed subject and I think she got it at the end. Her hubby on the contrary is one of the crookest ppl I've ever met. I bought certain items from him, but exaggerated prices for every bs he had. I think he feltpowrful just 'cos Michael and his family went to his store often, but quite often I just went out and went elsewhere. There was a store in Hollywood, Star something, that had wonderful signed items and other memorabilia for much much less and Michael went there too. in LA you had to be careful of not being ripped off by certain crooks.
Greg Freeman Yeah, but I don't keep talking about female celebrities vaginas. It should stay in your minds. 'lol And Jeff, as long as you were in the car to experience this event and tell us about it all these years a later, that's all that matters. :D I don't think I'd stalk MJ in a car though. Would make me quite uncomfortable.
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Sandra de la Vega That's fair, Greg, I understand it must have been uncomfortable if she kept talking only about that. How weird lol
Laura Panunzio I'm a abnormal woman then, 'cos when someone talks about MJ's intimacy, I get upset and if they insist, I just go away.I saw Michael for his talent and his being a normal man; in fact I usually don't see these things in males too and I'm a very passionate woman. I think that being a woman doesn't mean tothink about sex 24/7, even if you face the sexiest man on Earth. It's me of course and if I'm alone I'm happy!
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Greg Freeman I'm more of an armpits kinda guy. I'll talk about them all day long. :D
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Jeffery Scott Beasley Sorry, but I do not find MJ the least bit sexy...beautiful, handsome, talented yes. Sexy - no. The store you were talking about Laura P is Star World. I did not like the owner Dave in the least. I was out for dinner one night with a few of the Baywatch stars and with Lenny Kravitz. Dave was at a nearby table staring me down. The next time I went to his store he asked me to give him info on where celebs were going, and I said that I could not. He then jacked up a marked price on a Jackson 5 board game when I wanted to buy it. He actually peeled off the price in front of me and doubled the amount. That is illegal to do, btw.
- Laura Panunzio Oh yes, it's him! Star World. He was strange sometimes yes but randomly had interesting stuff. He tried to raise prices with me too but at the end I was a good and returning customer so he understood he would lose me. About Michael, I've always been fascinated by his magnetic eyes and nothing else, so when I see girls talking about gold pants, for me it's so weird. But I don't jusge anyone, maybe it's me who is strange.
ha ha, e ciudat sa vb despre gold pants, really? hai sa nu ne dam pudici, arata mortal in gold pants si era si fff sexi pt cine nu crede asta, in fine, ma gandesc numai ce picioare lungi avea, eh...
eh, exagera poate putin, dar nu cand venea vb de paparazzi si sa fim seriosi ca si fanii tipau ca toate alea cand il vedeau, e putin scary, dar cum sa nu urli cand il vezi inaintea ta?
hahaha:))ala care zice ca nu il considera sexy a si lucrat cu el si l-a cunoscut personal
dar e barbat:)
asta nu inseamna ca Michael nu are si o gramada de admiratori, pe partea asta cu goldul:)
despre gold si despre faptul ca e ciudat sa vb de asta zice fata, Laura, deci ei nu i se pare sexi MJ in gold, pfffff
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