Friday, August 19, 2011

Articolul scris de Robin Gibb dupa disparitia lui Michael!

Un articol vechi, dar bunicel! Sunt convinsa ca il stiti deja , dar chiar as vrea sa il comentam impreuna....offf, recunosc frustrarile lui in aceste randuri, teama de nedreptatea in fata careia ingenunchia mereu, rautatile celor din jur....,, Arata bine, dar in adancul sufletului se simtea groaznic'' ...Chiar cred asta, cred ca nu era psihologic pregatit pentru intoarcere, avea teama de oameni, de necunoscut si cred ca isi pierduse si ceva din increderea in sine(au avut altii grija sa ii induca acest lucru. asa cum am vazut pagini intregi scrise depre frumusete asa cred ca avea scrise si pagini despre boala...simt asa o mare revolta impotriva ,, consilierilor'' din preajma sa....:((((((....
Nu stiu daca concertele This is it urmau sa fie mai bune decat concertul sustinut la Bucuresti, ,, ,,Dangerous'' care in viziunea mea reprezinta una din cele mai bune aparitii ale sale (ca dealtfe intreg turneul)....dar imi aduc aminte cat de mult a fost discutat in presa dupa acea prestatie extraordinara. Si spun ,,discutat '' pentru ca s-au referit doar la practici voodoo, betii impreuna cu copiii care il insoteau si deloc despre muzica lui....Nu avea de ce sa se teama???? Cum mai poate avea vreodata cineva incredere in lumea din jur? Si medicul lui??? A incercat vreun moment criminalul sa il faca sa se simta confortabil? Sau a adancit ,, haul''???? Unelata de Murray si-a facut treaba cu precizia unui chirurg pe cord, unui chirurg desavarsit.....Bietul Mike!!!! Se spune ca in cele 40 de zile dupa deces spiritul urmareste ce se intampla , oare ce a vazut el, oare cat de dezgustat a fost, oare cate a realizat abia...dupa:(((((((((((((
Nu stiu de ce , dar recitind acest articol nu numai revolta a izbucnit iarasi din mine, dar si sentimentul de profunda tristete....Mike era in ordine, nu era tipul ,, distrus'' pe care vor sa iol arate multi! Mike luptase cu boala ( si ce fel de boli!), o invinsese in atatea ocazii, era puternic, era calit, depasise muuulttteeee dureri , traume si dependente (normale in curele medicamentoase ce au trebuit urmate)! Oamenii din jur l-au distrus si de data asta f f rapid! Stiau ca Mike isi da seama, era calit, si asa ca au facut totul in doar cateva luni! Terbil ! Inuman...:(((((((((((

"We’ve not only lost a great friend in Michael but also lost a wonderful sensitive human being. The Bee Gees heard music with the same ears. Michael had a great voice and millions of people yet to be born will sing his songs. This tragedy should teach us a lesson to value and praise those gifts while we still have them in the world. If even a small portion of the praise that is bestowed on Michael Jackson now in death was given to him last year in life, he might well still be with us. That is the sad truth. One consolation is that he will triumph by his legacy." - Robin Gibb
"He was a great friend, a very sensitive, gentle, gifted man. My brothers and I first met him in about 1972 when he was in the Jackson 5. We were in the same studio, the Hit Factory, in Los Angeles. Every time he was in Miami he would stay over, particularly with Barry. He often showed up out of the blue: he used to leave Bubbles with someone and come on his own. We hung out, had jam sessions.
"I last saw him a few weeks ago in LA at a party. He looked well but he wasn’t well — he was worn down. He was very, very wary about going back into the limelight, and I sympathised with that. It wasn’t the London dates so much that bothered him, it was the way the critics might evaluate him after those dates. I told him he should say, “So what!” instead of “What if?”
The fact was that he wasn’t afforded the respect that he deserved — here was a guy who was acquitted in his trial last year but in, America particularly, he was very troubled. He was very frightened of doing live stage shows after the trial because he was worried about the attacks that might occur. I think it really got to him. The problem is he was very fragile — the nature of artists is that they are sensitive and soft. But that doesn’t detract from their intelligence and their talent.
His death wasn’t a huge surprise — I just wish people wouldn’t have hounded him so much. He was a very lonely man and misunderstood. He had to do it on his own. He underwent a lot in the last two years and I don’t think many people could have stood up to as much as he did."
"We had a shared camaraderie. He will be sorely missed because this didn’t have to happen. He was young, like my brother, who died in 2003 — of course, Michael came to Maurice’s funeral. It’s so sad that we can’t praise people while they’re here in the world. When they’re gone it’s too late. The people who were down on him last year are praying to the altar of Michael Jackson today."
multumim, Iulia!

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