Friday, August 19, 2011

Sean Penn Narrates 'Witch Hunt'

Ceva in spune ca asta are legatura si cu Madonna, fiindca Sean a fost sotul ei probabil ca asa au ales ei sa-si exprime revolta fata de ce i s-a intamplat lui Mike si celorlalti, care au fost acuzati si judecati pe nedrept.Toata stima pentru el, pentru ca a avut curajul sa faca un astfel de film!

remember from Madonna's 09 VMA speech to/for MJ right? Well if you listen closely in it she kinda "hints" 'bout it when she talks 'bout ' thing or another we (she& MJ) kinda lost touch...' then she says,'...then The WitchHunt began!"-I promise I swear she says it! Well anyway Sean Penn created some time after MJ's '05 trial was over, I think Sean did this some time b'ween '06-'08 & it's called the "WitchHunt"-in it it's 'bout a group of adults in Californa who are all Falsey Accused of Child SEX abuse of children. It is beautifully done showin' how innocene people's lives are changed & put through Hell just cuz of the Proscutors (like Tom Sneddon) don't do the right thing. The poor kids' lives change to some finally as adults admit they were asked to lie & that it didn't really happen while others are Afriad to come out & admit they lied cuz they are now mentally scared by the whole ordeal. IT is really sad to see what all these poor INNOCENCE adults were put through. They got life for just an accusation-NOthing proved that they did

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