Sunday, August 14, 2011

Madonna despre colaborarea cu Michael si,, Realm of the senses"

Sourc e: Sunday Times
Issue Date: Sunday May 19, 1991

1991 Interview - promoting In Bed With Madonna (sbuk)

The urge to encourage others to confront what she identifies as their emotional inadequacies recently led Madonna into a curious psycho-musical joust with Michael Jackson. ``At his suggestion, we started to write a song together. I said at the beginning that we weren't gonna do some silly love duet. He could do that with anyone. It had to be organic. I said, `Let's think about what you stand for and what I stand for.' Because the thing about Michael is he never really presents a point of view in his music.

``Strangely enough, he chose the song title In the Closet. And I said to him, Michael that's great, but it has connotations, right? What do you think you mean by that? Because I wanted him to explore not just being emotionally in the closet but sexually, too, and I thought, what better people to do that than Michael and me? The juxtapositions] I had tons of ideas for the video.''

Jackson's contribution to the venture, though, was slow to materialise. ``Michael was always very vague. So I started throwing things at him, to provoke a response. I gave him the movie In the Realm of the Senses, and he always said he liked it but, you know, I have a beautiful art collection all over my house and photographic books of nudes and stuff, and I think he looked at them as if they were just pornography.''

This, coupled with Jackson's reluctance to alter his appearance ``Every day I would phone and say, `Did you cut your hair yet?''' eventually put Madonna off. ``I wasn't willing to spend all that time being like the policewoman. And I thought, `This guy doesn't need me. He knows what he wants.'''

Va recomand un film erotic subtitrat de zile mari.Film erotic prezentat în cadrul selecţiei oficiale a Festivalului de Film de la Cannes din 1976, inspirat dintr-o întâmplare reală, petrecută la Tokio, în anii ’30. Sada Abe, fostă prostituată, devenită servitoare în casa lui Kichizo, îşi seduce stăpânul, atrăgându-l într-o relaţie sexuală primejdios de intensă. Pe măsură ce amanţii devin tot mai obsedaţi unul de celălalt, jocurile sexuale sunt tot mai agresive, oferindu-le experienţe-limită, în care viaţa însăşi pare să nu mai aibă importanţă.

Regizorul Nagisa Oshima nu s-a temut să şocheze publicul prin scenele explicite, asumându-şi riscul de a fi acuzat, pe nedrept, că trece graniţa dintre artă şi pornografie.Exceptional. Filmul intra in categoria arta cinematografica. Si nu numai cinematografica. Subtilitatea si seriozitatea orientalilor n-are nimic de-a face cu vulgaritatea, promiscuitatea si obscenitatea filmelor de gen realizate insa de occidentali.



In the Realm of the Senses

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