Saturday, September 17, 2011

2004-Jermaine weighs in on Lisa Marie's comments

"Everyone's trying to kick Michael while he's down," he says 

In an exclusive conversation with MSNBC, Jermaine Jackson said many people appear to be trying to cash in on Michael’s misfortunes.

MSNBC: During a recent interview with an Australian television reporter, Lisa Marie Presley, intimated that she knew things, which, of course, was easily interpreted as perhaps she saw inappropriate behavior between Michael and young children. Today, she released a statement that read, in part, “Unfortunately due to the recent media frenzy surrounding Michael Jackson, my comments on a recent Australian television interview regarding him were completely taken out of context and erroneously read into. In saying “I saw things” I was specifically referring to things in that relationship with us, that went on between us, at the time as husband and wife and that dynamic.” Jermaine, what do you make of her comments?
JACKSON: Why would she say any of that stuff in the first place? I don’t understand why would she do that. I think everybody wants attention and they are using my brother where they can to get the attention.

MSNBC: And Lisa Marie Presley’s comments come on the heels of former CBS Records president Walter Yetnikoff’s new book “Howling At The Moon,” where he calls Michael “weird” and says your brother “was a strange guy, a little baby.” 

JACKSON: I don’t know why these types of books continue to get published. All this negativity. Why can’t they publish a book that’s positive? That’s what I’d like to do, a positive story. Yetnikoff is obviously just trying to sell his book with those comments. What is sad is that everybody is trying to kick Michael while he’s down. I will say that once this (molestation case) is over, he’s now got to know without a doubt who his real friends and enemies are.


Al said...

de parca el nu se foloseste de numele lui Michael :(
pai scriu carti negative pt ca se vand, clar
mda, ce sa mai stie saracul, ca au avut altii grija sa ´´plece´´

Unknown said...

da si intrebarea este cum poti citi cartea unuia care se foloseste de mj acum, fie el chiar fratele lui, fie el si iertat de mj,,,ptr ca e sange din sangele normal ca parca tot pe el il crezi m mult decat pe taraborelli sau pe altii

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