Friday, September 16, 2011

Jermaine reflects on Michael's drug use


Unknown said...

from jermaine s book

For 2300 Jackson street MJ wanted to film his parents talking about how they met, their first date... started those interviews but never finished them, "he kept the material in his own archive, under lock and key, with his deeply personal diaries. Michael recorded everything on paper: his first song lyrics, his memories, feelings and notes about the different people he met and what they meant to him. It is a memory collection that should remain as he intended: private and sacrosanct. (He also saved trinkets, keepsakes, family videos and memories from his past, like Rebbie's first pair of baby shoes, his nieces' and nephews' first pacifiers, or first dolls).

Unknown said...

ce cred unde a luat jermaine informatiile

I only sense he's read JRT, Moonwalk, read the Shmuley book, delved into MJ Media Archive, maybe browsed some forums...

He throws major shade at JRT, it sounds to me almost like he's following JRT's narrative, but bullshitting on his info

Al said...

bla, bla, bla
speculatii, Jermaine nu stie nimic

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