Saturday, September 17, 2011

Jermaine's Times Interview and Book Excerpt


I really dislike the interviewer. Jermaine is quoted as saying most biographies on Mike contain "crap"

Jermaine says Mike's wheel chair in 2008 was for disguise and to make his comeback seem better... the bodyguards disagree with that. I take their word for it 'cause they were there.

The interviewer seems keen to suggest like most journalists that this trial will involve dirt and smearing MJ and he seems to think this is justifiable the way he keeps going on... blah.

Is the pic in the interview really him on one page? With no pigment on his face? It looks like it's from the early 80s???

Jermaine thinks there were others involved in his death, but he doesn't sound AS crazy as Toya does.

The interview does bring up brief facts about the allegations and talks about Jordie being estranged from his parents and Evan shooting himself.

I like that he points out that they all would share beds together as kids, I also like that he says "why do you need a bed to have sex? you can have sex anywhere" 

It's a good point, Jerm.

Jerm apparently talks about MJ playing pranks and goofing around through adulthood which the interviewer sounds all uppity about, saying he sounds like a "delinquent child."

He says Mike didn't see the beauty in himself and never got over the acne, in response to plastic surgery...

About women...

So I guess not much more tea for us in the book?

The interviewer is really disdainful of Mike's kids not "having mothers" and Jermaine seems to agree Bleugh. I'll see when they bitch about Cristiano Ronaldo or Ricky Martin's kids not having mothers or when Angelina Jolie (initially when she adopted) and Sandra Bullock get bitched out for not having father's.

I don't like the story about Jerm wanting to whisk MJ away in a private jet in 2005 but I feel like he thinks sharing that will make people realize how much he cared for him. I don't think he realizes it makes him sound a bit crazy.

The story about Mike in hospital after hurting his back in 2005 is sad.

Overall I think it's one of the better interviews his family has given and he actually relays facts and doesn't walk into every single interviewer trap.

1 comment:

Al said...

mie imi plac povestile de cand erau copii si de la concerte, astea sigur nu sunt minciuni

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