Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Lisa Marie Presley talked to the COPS about Michael!!!SOURCE-MURRAY'S LAWYERS

According to Lisa Marie Presley, in her statment to police, during a rehearsal in 1995 Michael Jackson collapsed on stage. It was during this time that she learned that Michael Jackson had a drug problem which ultimatetly precipitated their divorce. She observed that Michael Jackson had two doctors 
on tour with him, Dr. Alan Mottzger and Dr. Neal Ratner.

 aici avem parerile unor fani despre cantecele lui Elvis  si legatura cu MJ  si Lisa:

"I think I mentioned this before in one post, but I have a feeling Lisa's bitterness (and her mom Priscilla's hatred of Michael) revolve around some of Elvis songs owned by Michael's ATV Publishing catalog. The thought of not owning her dad's songs is probably making Lisa a bitter, desparate, and grasping woman. If my speculation is correct about the catalog matter, then it's nothing Lisa and her mom can do about it, unless John Branca (who knows music publication so well and does business with Priscilla Pressley) create a loophole that will give Elvis songs back to the Pressley estate."

and then someone replied and added quotes from LM

"I completely agree with you and you're not speculating , the Presley pretty much admitted that they are upset and mad over Michael Jackson owning publishing rights to Elvis's music. For me one of reasons why LMP married Michael was because she wanted to get hold of Elvis songs that are part of the CATALOG (the ones that are missing from Graceland). "

Lisa quotes:

"Lisa Marie says she hates the fact that Jackson owns the rights to some of her late dad's songs, telling Jane: I saw a Velveeta commercial, and it was playing, I think, 'Burning Love.' [Jackson] had approved it - that's something we can't control. He can do whatever he wants with the songs he owns to make money, and that got under my skin."

"I don't know if he owns that one. But have I thought about it? Yeah. I get mad all the time. If I see something wacked out, I'll definitely yell and say, 'What the hell is that?' or 'Get rid of this!'"


Al said...

afurisit catalog si astea niste vampirite, nu le ajunge cati bani le-a lasat Elvis si cat castiga inca de pe urma lui, oooof

Unknown said...

da ai vazut ca si carter are cantece la Mike in catalog:))asa ca nu ne mai miram...a dat tampitul un interviu zilele astea,,,e postat..a incercat sa se scoata cumva , dar a dat iar cu bata .n balta

Unknown said...

dar e curios cum de a vb ea cu politia exact atunci cd MJ ERA IN SPITAL..SI EXACT DUPA, EA S-A HOTARAT SA DIVORTEZE...

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

PANA LA URMA TOT LA PROBLEMA RASIALA NE INTOArcem..s-ar putea sa o fi interogat-o politia ptr simplu fapt ca era nevasta-sa nu stiu, zau...
dar avocatii doctorului cauta acum tot felul de inteles ca Lisa nu e pe lista, nici Plaiffer ala si nici dr Klein

Al said...

Carter e mai prost ca noaptea, asta s-a dovedit clar
madam Lisa nu stiu ce avrea si ce a vrut de la el, nu am inteles-o deloc, e posibil sa nu fi spus asta la politisti si sa fie o minciuna, cine stie...

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