Hands down, Michael Jackson. Michael is such an amazing inspiration to me. He was such a good guy and he always tried to make a difference in the world. He loved everyone and he cared about, appreciated and acknowledged every single person in his industry. A lot of people don’t do that these days. A lot of people are so selfish, and they’re too afraid to even mention another artist unless they have a merchandising deal with them, or a tour deal, or they recorded a song with them. I think that’s kind of pathetic. You have to appreciate what other people do, and hopefully that’s something I’ll be able to keep up and pass on.
iar mascariciul asta? asta a spus-o inainte sa debiteze toate tampeniile alea?
nu, asta a fost alaltaieri e un interviu...sa vezi ce s-au ofticat haterii cd le-am dat asta:))
Alii..cum esti?? toti asteptam Craciunul..abia astept vacanta
ei as, si ce l-a apucat? cumva remuscarile? cred ca nu e pe dunga lui
ce frumos ai decorat si ce mos apetisant :)))))))))))
sunt bine, multumesc, la noi e cald ziua, zici ca vine primvara, nu sarbatorile, insa noaptea e frig, atunci miroase putin a iarna
ooof zapada, iarna era preferata mea, acum nu mai prefer nimic...
pup, cred ca doresti sa te odihnesti, te cred :)
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