Foarte frumos arata siteul, cartea cred ca merita citita...dar imi vine greu sa cred ca ea ar fi cumparat informatiile de la imi vine la fel de greu sa cred ce a spus cineva, ca autoarea nu ar fi o fana si crede ca Mj a fost vinovat de acuzatii...Asadar, rostul cartii sa fie doar banii??
Interesant e ca are ăpoze cu oameni care l-au cunoscut pe Michael si care au vorbit frumos despre el, de-a lungul timpului
Mike Garcia
Dear Michael Jackson Fans,
it is brought to my attention that Dr. Karen Moriarty has published a book called "Defending A King". Dr Moriarty for most of last year, sent me letters, called my house multiple times, offered thousands of dollars for info that others have accepted, and tried to corner me at the MJ Fan Conventions.
She has a chapter in her book titled "Protecting Mr Jackson" and that information has not been given by me as others have.
In no way, shape or form did i EVER accepted or responded to any of her advancements and always remained loyal to what I was apart of.
I am not apart of this book and DO NOT endorse it.
Michael Jackson, Defending a King ~ His Life Legacy, Trial of Dr Conrad Murrary
Michael Jackson, Defending a King ~ His Life Legacy, Trial of Dr Conrad Murrary
Mike Garcia Thank you everyone..@Ty she took that picture at the convention before she introduced herself. My publicist, Lelani Clark is contacting her to remove it. One example of what Mr Jackson went thru.
Mike Garcia
Dear Michael Jackson Fans,
it is brought to my attention that Dr. Karen Moriarty has published a book called "Defending A King". Dr Moriarty for most of last year, sent me letters, called my house multiple times, offered thousands of dollars for info that others have accepted, and tried to corner me at the MJ Fan Conventions.
She has a chapter in her book titled "Protecting Mr Jackson" and that information has not been given by me as others have.
In no way, shape or form did i EVER accepted or responded to any of her advancements and always remained loyal to what I was apart of.
I am not apart of this book and DO NOT endorse it.
Michael Jackson, Defending a King ~ His Life Legacy, Trial of Dr Conrad Murrary

Mike Garcia Thank you everyone..@Ty she took that picture at the convention before she introduced herself. My publicist, Lelani Clark is contacting her to remove it. One example of what Mr Jackson went thru.
eu nu cred ca un om care il crede vinovat ar putea sa scrie o carte numita ´´DEFENDING...´´, nu i-ar aluneca degetele pe taste :))
am pus ceva mai sus, despre ce a spus Mike Garcia in legatura cu e ceva in regula...poate daca citim, ne dam seama.
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