Michael Jackson's head of security Faheem Muhammad claims Prince and Paris witnessed Conrad Murray desperately trying to resuscitate their father and had to be removed from the scene.
Muhammad testified Paris was "on the ground, balled up crying," and Prince "was shocked and slowly crying."
* Muhammad said he saw Murray's silver 645 BMW parked at MJ's house every night but did not know what Murray was treating him for.
* Muhammad was on his way to the bank when he got the call from Michael's assistant that he was having a bad reaction. He immediately called Derrick Cleveland, the security guard on duty -- to check up on MJ, then rushed back to the house.
* When he walked in he saw bodyguard Alberto Alvarez in the room. He could see MJ's feet and Murray -- who appeared to be giving MJ CPR.
* Once Muhammad walked around the bed he could see MJ who appeared to be dead.
* He then noticed Paris and Prince at the doorway. He said "Paris was on the ground balled up crying" and "Prince was shocked slowly crying."
* Muhammad quickly moved the kids away.
* Murray says that's when he heard Murray asking if anyone knew CPR. Alvarez came to his aid.
* Once they arrived at the hospital, Prince, Paris and Blanket were put into a room.
* Once MJ was pronounced dead, MJ's assistant relayed Murray's request to go back and retrieve the "cream."
saracii copii, dc e adevarat e crunt pt ei, au vazut :(
nu mai zic nimic..noi stiam , defapt...daca nu iese adevarul la iveala, nu mai este dreptate pe lumea asta
un articol bun, de la noi
multumim, fanutule, ptr toate marturiile
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