Michael Jackson's personal assistant Michael Amir Williams just took the stand -- and prosecutors played a panicked voicemail Dr. Conrad Murray left on Williams' phone the day MJ died.
* Williams said MJ was in good spirits on the evening of June 24, 2009... his last rehearsal. He said the rehearsal was "amazing."
* The following day, Williams received a panicked message from Murray at 12:13 pm saying, "call me right away." When he called back, Murray told him MJ had a "bad reaction" ... and to "get somebody here immediately."
* When he got there, the first thing he saw was MJ being brought out in a gurney. He said Murray seemed "frantic."
* Williams said after he learned of Michael's death, Murray came up to him and said there was "some cream Michael wouldn't want the world to know about." Murray asked him to drive him to the home so he could retrieve the "cream."
* After checking with MJ's head of security, Faheem Muhammad, the two decided not to let Murray back into the house...
* Williams said it was "normal" to have oxygen tanks in MJ's house.
* Williams told Ed Chernoff he never told police about Murray's odd request until two months after Michael's death.
* Williams told Chernoff Dr. Murray never asked him to call 9-1-1.
* Williams testified that he had seen Michael speak "slower" after coming out of Dr. Arnold Klein's office -- where the defense says Michael got hooked on Demerol.
omul asta a avut in jurul lui numai si numai sacali, profitori, asta e clar :((
traim in aceste zile, o stare de cumplit amar... este necesar sa se intample si asta asa e legea pamanteasca dar oare ne mai foloseste la ceva?Daca Murray primeste 1, 5 sau 100 de ani de inchisoare, acest lucru ne v a linisti? vom fi impacati? nu am inteles si nici nu voi intelege vreodata de ce acest om care a intrecut orice om din aceasta lume prin bunatate si daruire,s-a inconjurat de astfel de oameni.Poate ca imi veti raspunde"din cauza banilor"dar daca este asa , nu era normal sa protejeze sursa de bani acesti "pieteni"? este extrem de trist ca prin intermediul disparitiei lui MJ ne a dat seama cu adevarat in ce lume traim.Doamne de ce traim intr o astfel de lume? sau de ce ne rabzi asa... imi pare rau ca sunt asa incrancenata in aceste zile dar nu cred ca pot fi altfel. te pup Miky si va pup pe toti de aici
Zuza(Ioana Gheorghe)
Daca Murray isi primeste pedeapsa, 4, 10 sau 1oo de ani, cu siguranta nu ne va linisti, nici nu vom fi mai impacati pentru ca asta nu-l va aduce pe Michael inapoi. Insa, daca acest "medic" va ramane in libertate, exista pericolul sa mai moara si altii de mana lui. Asta e ideea de fapt. Nu putem curma vietile oamenilor in stanga si-n dreapta, fara sa patim nimic.
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