Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Acum, ca s-a terminat procesul...


Al said...

si comm, mi se face sila, nu ai ce sa le faci
si de cate ori a precizat Michael ca dormea pe jos....

Unknown said...

stai ca nici pe jos nu e bine...haterii isi pun pb ca, daca parintii aveau atata incredere in el, de ce trebuia sa doarma pe jos??iar Brett a recunoscut ca a dormit in acelasi pat cu el pana la 19 ani...asta a spus la ca dupa ce mj a avut copii nu a mai dormit

Al said...

aoleu, deci nici pe jos nu e bine...mda, atunci ar fi trebuit sa doarma in dulap, ce sa mai
mai, eu nu il cred pe Brett cand spune ca a dormit in pat cu MJ, nu stiu de ce, am impresia ca nu e adevarat

Unknown said...

pai il cred..daca ar fi avut ceva de ascuns, probabil ca ar fi ascuns, nu ar fi marturisit asta, ca martor al apararii:)

Unknown said...

vindicate mj a raspuns asa

Here is my short comment on it (please leave yours if you feel like it):
“How very typical of Michael’s detractors – they don’t know a thing about what they are saying but claim that “there is no denying it”. No, dear, there is a lot to deny it. Even Michael’s last word to us – when he was falling asleep and criminal doctor Murray was taping him – was about a dream to help sick children and build a hospital for them. Michael’s words were coming from the very deep of his subconscious mind over which he had no control – and what was he speaking of while falling asleep? He spoke of GOD, of children being ANGELS and of his dream to GIVE AWAY all his money to them:
“I’m taking that money, a million children, children’s hospital, the biggest in the world, Michael Jackson’s Children’s Hospital. Going to have a movie theatre, game room. Children are depressed. The – in those hospital, no game room, no movie theatre. They’re sick because they’re depressed. Their mind is depressing them. I want to give them that. I care about them, them angels. God wants me to do it. God wants me to do it.
I feel their pain. I feel their hurt. I can deal with it. Heal the World, We are the World, Will You Be There, The Lost Children. These are the songs I’ve written because I hurt, you know, I hurt”.
I truly believe that Michael’s words said in a state when he had no control over his mind are the best evidence of his innocence. People are unable to lie in situations like that. And Michael spoke not only about his wish to help children and spend his money on the hospital – he also spoke about GOD.

Unknown said...

From the testimony:
MESEREAU: When you stayed in Mr. Jackson’s bed --

MESEREAU: -- on any of those occasions was anyone else there?
BRETT BARNES: Well, I can’t -- see, I was pretty young at the time, so I can’t
remember exactly. But I know my sister as being there, his cousins have been
there. And -- yeah, Macaulay has actually been there as well, Macaulay Culkin. So
there’s been a few people.

He said the longest period of time he’s spent at Neverland was a couple of weeks to a month, and considers
Jackson to be a family friend. He also said that out of all the time he has spent at Neverland, he was only
there a few times without his parents being with him.
__Fruitless cross__
Under cross-examination, prosecutor Zonen attacked Barnes like he tried to do with Wade Robson.
However, one thing his questioning established was that Barnes still visits Neverland to this day. Oops!
Barnes told the prosecutor said he couldn’t remember when he stopped sleeping in Jackson’s room. From
the testimony:

ZONEN: You can’t tell us how old you were when you stopped visiting Neverland?

BRETT BARNES: I still -- I continue to visit to this day.
ZONEN: Do you still sleep with Michael Jackson?
BRETT BARNES: No, I don’t.

Maybe if prosecutors would have bothered to talk to Barnes recently before alleging he was a victim, they
may not have been blindsided by facts like this. Or maybe they did talk to Barnes and was told to go take
flying leap?

As a matter of fact, Barnes has spent time in Jackson’s personal living quarters with Jackson’s own kids. He
mentioned that he was in there with the two when Prince was just 3 years old.

More from the testimony:
ZONEN: And how old was Prince when he stayed in the room with you and
Michael Jackson?

BRETT BARNES: I think he was three.
ZONEN: All right. So it was about four years ago?
ZONEN: So you stayed in the room with Michael Jackson when you were 18 years

ZONEN: You’re 22 now?
ZONEN: So you were 19 years old?
BRETT BARNES: Yeah, I guess.

This may not have been an isolated thing. In an interview with 24 year old {tag Frank Tyson} on Primetime
Live June 2 2005, Tyson said Jackson asked him to help keep an eye on the Arvizo brothers when they
would sleep in his bedroom. Here’s an excerpt of what Tyson said during that interview:
FRANK TYSON: He says to me, 'Frank, if they're staying in this room, you're
staying in this room too.' And you know what? I've actually stayed in his room.
The two kids slept in the bed. It was Michael on the floor here (indicating) and I
was on the floor here (indicating).

Unknown said...

MESEREAU: The prosecutor
for the government asked you if – didn’t it seem odd that Michael Jackson was in
a room with your brother. Did you think it was odd? KARLEE BARNES: No, I didn’t
think it was odd. MESEREAU: Why? KARLEE BARNES: He’s given us friendship
and, you know, experiences that we would never get to see, you know, and... My
brother really always wanted to be there. He wanted to spend every minute, and
he still wants to spend all of his minute -- all his time with him.

Unknown said...

pe baza declaratiei surorii lui Brett, atunci s-a confirmat ce a calculat deja pare ca exact asa A DECLARAT TIPA...CA BRETT A DORMIT 365 DE ZILE IN ACELASI PAT CU MJ...SAU CEL PUTIN S-A EXPRIMAT AIUREA, IAR PRESA ATAT A ASTEPTAT...NU GASESC FRANTURA ACEEA...DAR STIU CA AM CITIT M DE MULT

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