Friday, February 3, 2012

About MJ and Tatum

neoficial...asta le spunea astazi cineva haterilor

MJ I knew Three Decades. First, He was Not Gay and He was NOT a Pedophile. Secondly, Tatum was in his Puppy Love Category. She saw MJ off and on for 1 and 1/2 Years. MJ cut himself off from Her for Two Reasons, She was not Innocent and She was Pushy. Her and Another Actress when They were at Rod Stewart's House for a Party, They bet each Other They could get Michael into Bed with one or both of Them. He was so humiliated. He said he didn't like the degradation any longer. He also felt She was screwed up and he couldn't afford to damage not only his Career but what he wanted to do for Children by getting screwed up hanging out with her. They bumped into each other at several parties, but did not see Each Other after the incident at Rod Stewart's. She also further disgraced Michael on Howard Stern. So, She's made more out of things than they were. Most of their later interaction before the Stewart incident was "Career Dating", MJ's Handlers forced him to hang out with her when he was losing interest. I met MJ some time after They no longer hung out.



Unknown said...

hopa:)) haterii se plang ca intra aici si iau virusi:))) hahhahaa---asta e tare de stiu ca sterg spamurile in fiecare zi si nu a avut pb pana acum...poate ca sunt de la ei din cap virusii:)))

Al said...

eh, tipa isi traise viata, voria distractie si nu seriozitate, asa cum era MJ, bine ca si-a dat seama, cine nu merita, nu merita si punct

Al said...


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