I’ve always felt this and am astounded that Michael confirmed it.
Michael Jackson said that he was just a channel, and that the songs came to him complete – the melody, the words, the chords, everything, and that he felt embarrassed to be given credit for it. He said the music was already composed – out there – and him ‘writing’ songs was like sitting under a tree with leaves falling all around him and he just reaches out and catches one. When I heard that, I could only think of Mozart, and how he said that music just came to him in complete pieces, chords and everything. He just hears it and then rushes to write it all down. MJ does exactly the same. How wonderful then, to see the 20th century interpretation of Mozart!
There was an interview to Joe Jackson back around 1978 where he said that Mozart’s father has inspired him to train his family hoping that one of the kids will be talented enough to have a career. There were tired of being poor, and they wanted attention, press, and millions in their future years, Jackson said then.
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1 comment:
da, sunt destule asemanari, geniul lor este unul care va dainui, cat despre opera lor, eu zic ca toata vine de la ei, pur si simplu, fiind atat de geniali, aveau si har, nu contest, dar totul nastea in mintea lor, acolo se gasea intreg izvorul a ceea ce faceau
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