Thursday, August 18, 2011

Miko Brando despre Mike si Marlon Brando, in ultimele zile

Dad had a hard time breathing in his final days, and he was on oxygen much of the time. He loved the outdoors, so Michael would invite him over to Neverland. Dad could name all the trees there, and the flowers, but being on oxygen it was hard for him to get around and see them all, it’s such a big place. So Michael got Dad a golf cart with a portable oxygen tank so he could go around and enjoy Neverland. They’d just drive around -- Michael Jackson, Marlon Brando, with an oxygen tank in a golf cart.

Un alt motiv pentru care il iubim si mai mult:

In 1989, Mabel King suffered a stroke and with the assistance of Michael Jackson she was placed in the Motion Picture and Television Fund Home in Woodland Hills California, “Michael Jackson responded immediately when he learned of Mabel’s stroke - he was loved by Mabel, she was so grateful for his assistance right up until her death in 1999,” says Ruben Malaret her then Agent/Publicist. In the 1990s, while living at the Motion Picture Fund home, she battled diabetes and eventually lost both of her legs and an arm to the disease. In 1999, she died from complications of diabetes and a second stroke. For more than 20 years, faithful and discreet, Michael watched over Mabel.

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