from David Gest

The Mirror, February 9 1996
Tuesday, August 30th 2011
The Time Bubbles Gave Whitney Houston A Toe Job

David Gest really needs to keep his bestiality fantasies involving Bubbles, Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson to himself, because the world doesn't want to know the SUCIONESS that slithers around in the gutters of his imagination. Okay, maybe we do, because if he did keep that mess to himself we'd never have this hilariously creepy story about a chimp's toe sucking fetish. This is what David Gest said during a Michael Jackson documentary that's supposed to air in the UK this October:
“Whitney was having dinner with Michael at his Neverland home when she accidentally dropped her knife under the table. While Michael was retrieving it for her, Whitney felt her toes being sucked. She moaned, ‘Michael, is that you? Don’t stop. That’s so sensual’. Yet Michael’s head popped up and her toes were still being sucked. It turned out it was Bubbles."
HAHAHAHA. David needs to show us the receipts or shut his second face, because this really reads like bad fan fiction. Like Whitney would ever use the word "sensual." Bitch isn't Courtney Stodden! Whitney would say something like "Ooooh, baby, suck the dirt out of that nail!" or "Get that jam like your tongue is peanut butter and we're trying to swirl up some Goobers!" or "When you're done there, baby, use that sweet suction cup mouth to suck out my doodie bubble, because I got a boatload with a stuck anchor."
Wait. Maybe that's why they call him BUBBLES?! Shit. Good. Night.
Whitney Houston, in amor cu maimuta
lui Michael JacksonIndragita cantareata a avut parte de un episod erotic de tot rasul in timp ce lua cina acasa la Michael Jackson.
Cantareata Whitney Houston avea bucurii laMichael Jackson si visa in secret la o noapte deamor in compania acestuia. Visul aproape ca i-a devenit realitate cand, cu ani in urma, artista a fost invitata sa ia cina cu megastarul acasa la el, laNeverland. La un moment dat, coplesita de emotie, Whitney a dat pe jos cutitul. Galant,Jackson a disparut submasa pentru a-l recupera. Imediat dupa aceasta, Houston a simtit cum cineva se apropie de picioarele ei si incepe sa le sarute , zabovind mai mult asupra degetelor. Infiorata, cantareata ar fi renuntat sa isi mai ascunda adevaratele sentimente si ar fi izbucnit: “Tu esti , Michael? Nu te opri! E atat de sensual ce mi se intampla!”.
Euforia artistei s-a curmat insa brusc in clipa in care capul megastarului s-a itit de sub masa , dar repriza de dezmierdari a mai continuat. Uluita,Houston a ridicat un colt al fetei demasa si a observant ca acela care ii adusese placeri nebanuite eraBubbles, cimpanzeulu luiMichael. Episodul a fost povestit recent de David Gest, realizatorul unui documentar despreMichael Jackson. Filmul va avea premiera in luna octombrie.
despre relatia dintre cei doi mai avem urmatorele informatii:
THE FEUD'S OVER; Whitney calls off war with Madonna.despre relatia dintre cei doi mai avem urmatorele informatii:
The Mirror, February 9 1996
Step forward Janet's brother Michael 'Peacemaker' Jackson. Seven years ago he and Whitney spent the night in a hotel bedroom together.
Of course, nothing happened, though Whitney blushed and refused to comment.
But Monica Pastelle, a pal of Lisa Marie Presley, says: "Michael told Lisa that Whitney practically drank him under the table that night.
"She can handle champagne. He can't. Poor Michael had one drink, got dizzy and swooned on the bed.
"Whitney slept on a chair and slipped out before he woke. It was pretty embarrassing for him."
But Jackson so appreciated Whitney's tight lipped discretion, that she won his never-ending loyalty.
Of course, nothing happened, though Whitney blushed and refused to comment.
But Monica Pastelle, a pal of Lisa Marie Presley, says: "Michael told Lisa that Whitney practically drank him under the table that night.
"She can handle champagne. He can't. Poor Michael had one drink, got dizzy and swooned on the bed.
"Whitney slept on a chair and slipped out before he woke. It was pretty embarrassing for him."
But Jackson so appreciated Whitney's tight lipped discretion, that she won his never-ending loyalty.
:))) am murit de ras
O Doamne! nu pot sa ma opresc din ras:))) 911 emergency! quick!=))
am mai pus ceva la sfarsit...din
The Mirror, February 9 1996
:)))haa saraca
papa mama pe el de dragalas
haha, la ce era bun Bubbles, un mare iubaret :)))))
eh, au baut si ei olecut :)
cine stie ce a mai fost de nu zice el...:) darea era chiar frumusica cred ca era f curtata pe atunci...
Comica faza, tare, tare1
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